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RPMS Electronic Health Records title banner

RPMS-EHR Super End User

This training is offered on a scheduled basis at sites that are nearing the point of going "live" with EHR. Attendees are clinicians and others who have been identified by their facilities as "super end-users" of EHR. The course offers 12 hours of in-depth training on multiple aspects of EHR, so that these clinicians will be prepared to (a) use the application successfully in clinical practice, and (b) provide instruction and mentoring to other clinicians in use of EHR. During 3 days on site, course instructors will also provide several EHR overview sessions for clinical support staff.

The clinical super end user class provides an overview of the Resource and Patient Management System Electronic Health Record (RPMS-EHR) and its utilization in providing comprehensive patient care. At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Navigate through the tabs of the Electronic Health Record
  • Print a Note
  • Set up Personal Preferences and Views
  • Create, Edit, and Finish a Progress Note
  • Document a Physical Exam
  • Document Patient Education, Health Factors, and Immunizations
  • Document Historical Events
  • Select a Diagnosis or Purpose of Visit
  • Document CPT, Evaluation and Management, and HCPC Codes
  • Enter and Complete a Consult Request
  • Enter Allergies and Vital signs
  • Perform pharmacy, laboratory, and radiology order entry
  • Update the problem list