Root.List of patent applications included in this download file Prediction of time-to-first-action after application reaches Status Code 30 Date of the last application Status change Database 3 digit code for the current application Status, like "XXX" Indicates the presence of Parent Continuity data, "Yes" or "No" Contains the most recent file history transaction Description of the most recent File History transaction Date of the most recent File History transaction Date and time this application record was last updated Contains indicator for the Image File Wrapper Indicates the availabiltiy of document images Contains the most recent File History transaction First Pre-Grant publication data for this application Contains indicators for the presence of Parent and Child Continuity data Patent Class concatenated with the Subclass value formatted as 'CLASS/SUBCLASS'. CLASS consists of a 3 digit integer. SUBCLASS values can contain up to a 6 digit integer, i.e. "17130". Subclass values are formatted with a period placed after the third character from the left as XXX.XXX. Subclass values are displayed with all trailing zeros truncated (i.e. Class/Subclass for 678/006.000 should be displayed as 678/006) Indicates the presence of Child Continuity data, "Yes" or "No" Is there a First Action Prediction available, "Yes" or "No" Contains an indicator for the availability of Assignments data Indicator for the presence of Assignments data Bibliographic data and status changes for the patent application