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RPMS Electronic Health Records title banner

EHR Enhancement Development

Updated 07/29/2008

Check the status of your EHR enhancement requests submitted through the RPMS Feedback Page.

EHR Version 1.1 - Released in October, 2007
Review New Features of Version 1.1 [DOC-50KB]

EHR Version 1.1 patch 1 - Released in April 2008
Installation notes, including a list of enhancements and fixes. [DOC-11KB]

EHR Version 1.1 patch 2 (EHR License file) - Released in May 2008

EHR Version 1.1 patch 3 - Expected release TBD
Patch 3 will include the EHR License file and fixes to Design Mode problems.

EHR Version 1.1 patch 4 - Expected release TBD
Patch 4 will include fixes to remaining problems identified but not resolved in Patch 1. Included are a number of new enhancements including Outside Medication documentation for medication reconciliation and Point of Care Lab entry.

Behavioral Health Visit Documentation
Behavioral Health providers who are co-located at primary care facilities that have deployed the EHR can now enter their individual behavioral health encounters into RPMS using the EHR. These behavioral health records will populate both the Behavioral Health System (AMH) database and the Patient Care Component (PCC) database. This new functionality supports the integration of primary and behavioral health care and offers behavioral health providers access to features available in the EHR that are also critical to the provision of behavioral health care, including electronic order entry and consults. Additionally, behavioral health providers now have the convenience and security of template-based TIU notes that are developed to meet their unique business needs. The applications required to support this functionality in the EHR are AMH Behavioral Health v3.0 patch 09, BPC IHS Patient Chart v1.5 patch 05 and BGU IHS RPC Broker v1.5 patch 04.

Clinical Reminders patch 1005
Currently in beta testing and expected to be released in the summer of 2008. Patch 1005 will include a set of National Reminders with dialogs.

VistA Imaging - Utilized in IHS since 2005
VistA Imaging system integrates clinical images and documents and other non-textual data into the patient's electronic health record. Facilities can scan documents and upload images into the patient's chart. VistA Imaging deployment is being managed through the various IHS Area Offices.

iCare Population Management GUI v1.1 - Released June 26, 2008
iCare is a software tool that helps you manage the care of your patients. The ability to create multiple panels of patients with common characteristics (e.g., age, diagnosis, community) allows you to personalize the way you view patient data. Visit the iCare website.

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