American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Reason

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Roe v. Wade

Memo from Justice Blackmum to Justice Burger re Roe v. Wade

Memo from Justice Blackmum to Justice Burger
Harry A. Blackmun to Warren E. Burger
[Jan. 16, 1973]
Typewritten memorandum, with emendations, p. 1
Typewritten memorandum, with emendations, p. 4
Manuscript Division
Gift of Harry A. Blackmun, 1997 (235.2a,b)


In 1973 the United States Supreme Court ruled that a right of privacy under the Constitution guaranteed a woman's right to have an abortion under certain circumstances. Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun, who wrote the opinion for the Court, circulated among his colleagues a draft announcement that he would later read from the bench as the opinion was released. Chief Justice Warren Burger, a boyhood friend, returned Blackmun's draft with his comments, written in red pencil.


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