About the National Archives

Statement on the Tragedy in London

Statement by Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States
July 7, 2005

I know that you join me in offering our deepest condolences and support for the people of London following today's terrorist outrages. The rush hour bombings which resulted in many deaths and injured demonstrated the perpetrators' reckless indifference to human life and to the values of civilized society. We grieve with our British friends and with those from other nations whose loved ones were among this morning's innocent victims.

We offer each of them not merely sympathy but active support through monitoring carefully our security measures and remaining alert to potential problems not only at our Washington, D.C., facilities but throughout NARA's facilities across the country. To ignore the problems might suggest that those killed and injured in London today might have died in vain and that the terrorists responsible have succeeded in their aims. We cannot—and will not—allow that to happen.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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