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Environmental Program

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Environmental Program
Branch of Environmental Assessment
Branch of Environmental Sciences
Environmental Studies Program
Oil Spill Modeling Program
Environmental Studies Program Information System
Social Science in MMS
Environment and Hydrates
Scientific Committee
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This page last updated:
July 14, 2008

Environmental Sciences

Studies Program

Environmental Studies Program

bullet New Research Opportunities in FY 2008
bulletInformation on Upcoming and Past Seminars, Conferences, & Workshops
bullet Minerals Management Service: Our Ocean Role
bullet MMS Ocean Science:  The Science and Technology Journal of the Minerals Management Service
bullet Journal of Coastal Research, Thematic Section: MMS OCS Sand and Gravel Program: Environmental Studies to Assess the Potential Effects of Offshore Dredging Operations in Federal Waters


The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) was initiated in 1973 as a means to gather and synthesize environmental and social and economic science information to support decision-making concerning the offshore oil and gas program. The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act established policy for the management of the OCS natural gas and oil-leasing program and for the protection of marine and coastal environments. Section 20 of the Act authorizes the ESP and establishes three general goals for the program:

bulletto establish the information needed for assessment and management of environmental impacts on the human, marine, and coastal environments of the OCS and the potentially affected coastal areas;
bulletto predict impacts on the marine biota which may result from chronic, low level pollution or large spills associated with OCS production, from drilling fluids and cuttings discharges, pipeline emplacement, or onshore facilities; and
bulletto monitor human, marine, and coastal environments to provide time series and data trend information for identification of significant changes in the quality and productivity of these environments, and to identify the causes of these changes.

This web site provides access to completed and ongoing ESP research activities. The design is discipline based (e.g., biology, socioeconomics, physical oceanography, modeling, etc) allowing users to concentrate on a single discipline (either nationally or by OCS Region) or jump to another with a minimum of links. The system includes links to the MMS’s Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS) which provides immediate access to all completed MMS ESP studies. ESPIS is a searchable, web based, full text retrieval system allowing users to view on line, or download, the complete text of any completed MMS ESP report.

For information pertaining to operational safety, pollution prevention, oil spill response, and cleanup capabilities, visit our Technology Assessment and Research (TA&R) Program. The TA&R Program is a research element encompassed by the MMS Regulatory Program. It was established in the 1970's to ensure that industry operations on the Outer Continental Shelf incorporated the use of the Best Available and Safest Technologies (BAST) subsequently required through the 1978 OCSLA amendments.

Environmental Studies Program:

bullet Subcommittee on Mercury in the Gulf of Mexico
bullet Mission and Vision Statement
bullet Ongoing MMS ESP Studies

ESPIS - All completed ESP Studies:
Full Text, Online, Right Now!
Environmental Studies Program Information System


bullet Social Science in MMS
bullet Protected Species Studies in MMS
bullet Coastal Marine Institutes
bullet Environmental Research in Gas Hydrates

Regional Environmental Studies Programs:

bulletAlaska Region
bullet Gulf of Mexico Region
bullet Pacific Region

Annual Studies Plans:

bullet Gulf of Mexico  PDF
bullet Pacific  PDF
bulletHeadquarters  PDF

Studies Awarded in Fiscal Year:

bullet FY 06-Awards

For more information, contact James Cimato.


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