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Gregory Kann

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Michele Fields





[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 43, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 43CFR2.17]

[Page 17]
                    TITLE 43--PUBLIC LANDS: INTERIOR
             Subpart C--Requests for Records under the FOIA
Sec. 2.17  How will my requester category affect the fees that I am charged?

    (a) When you submit a FOIA request, you must specify your fee 
category. Based on the information you provide, the bureau office 
processing your request will decide your fee category and charge as 
    (1) Commercial-use requesters are charged fees for costs incurred in 
document search, review, and duplication.
    (2) Educational/noncommercial scientific institutions are charged 
for document duplication, except that the first 100 pages of paper 
copies (or the equivalent cost thereof if the records are in some other 
form) will be provided without charge. The bureau will not charge such 
requesters for document search and review.
    (3) News media requesters are charged for document duplication, 
except that the first 100 pages of paper copies (or the equivalent cost 
thereof if the records are in some other form) will be provided without 
charge. The bureau will not charge such requesters for document search 
and review.
    (4) Requesters not covered by paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of 
this section--``other requesters'' are charged fees for document search 
and duplication, except that they are entitled to the first two hours of 
search time and the first 100 pages of paper copies without charge (or 
the equivalent cost thereof if the records are in some other form). The 
bureau will not charge such requesters for document review.
    (b) If you do not submit sufficient information in your FOIA request 
for the bureau to determine your fee category (see paragraphs (a)(1) 
through (a)(4) of this section), the bureau may ask you to provide 
additional clarification. This applies to all requesters. The bureau 
will notify you promptly when additional information is needed. In these 
circumstances, the 20-workday statutory time limit for responding to 
your request will not begin to run until you provide sufficient 
information. If the bureau requests additional clarification and does 
not hear from you within 20 workdays, it will assume that you are no 
longer interested in this matter and will close the file on your 
    (c) The following table summarizes the chargeable fees for each 
category of requester.

            Category                     Search fees               Review fees             Duplication fees
Commercial Use..................  Yes.....................  Yes.....................  Yes
Educational Institution.........
Non-Commercial Scientific         No......................  No......................  Yes
 Institution.                                                                         (100 pages free)
News Media......................
All Other.......................  Yes.....................  No......................  Yes
                                  (2 hours free)..........                            (100 pages free)

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