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Brown v. Board of Education

Selected External Sites
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  Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement: Direct Action and Desegregation (1960-1965)
Highlights of Atlanta’s role in the movement from 1940 to 1970, is provided with a timeline of key events, and more on other civil rights information in print and online resources. Uniquely, this site provides a first-ever searchable inventory of special collections containing materials on the movement found at the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education (ARCHE's) member institution and affiliated libraries/archives.

    Home Page:
  Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research
Learn about the foundation's projects and activities, scholarships, and purpose. Includes details on how to become a member.

  Brown v. Board of Education - African American History
Features an historical account of the precedent-setting 1954 US Supreme Court decision mandating desegregation of America's public schools.

  Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission Home Page
Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission

  Brown v. Board of Education, Landmark Supreme Court Cases (DOWNLOAD COMPLETE CASE IN PDF)
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) "We conclude that the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Chief Justice Earl Warren

  Brown v. Board of Education Online Archive
The University of Michigan Library's Brown v. Board of Education Digital Archive contains documents and images which chronicle events surrounding this historically significant event.

  The Civil Rights Project: "Brown at 50: King's Dream or the Plessy Nightmare," (PDF File) by Professor Gary Orfield and research associate Chungmei Lee, considers changes in the country and in the districts directly affected by Brown. It also examines a decade of resegregation from the Supreme Court's Dowell v. Oklahoma City (1991) decision, which authorized a return to segregated neighborhood schools, through the 2001-2002 school year and provides new information on the changes in schools where desegregation plans have ended. The data analyzed covers the vast majority of American schools. >From the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University:

  Columbia Law: Facts of the Brown vs. Board of Education Era
In the middle of the 20th Century, a band of lawyers at the NAACP LDF, led by Thurgood Marshall, came together to fight for the civil rights revolution. On May 17, 1954, they received a victorious ruling in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, which declared that "in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal' has no place." Jack Greenberg (CC '45, Law '48), a Columbia Law School professor and key member in the NAACP LDF for thirty-five years, as well as a number of Law School graduates, were among the attorneys who successfully argued the case.

  FindLaw - Brown v. Board of Education
Legal resource presenting a transcription of the US Supreme Court's decision in the case that helped desegregate US schools.

  From Revolution to Reconstruction - Brown v. Board of Education
A review the famous case that determined that the racial segregation of schools violated the equal protection of laws under the 14th amendment.

  Georgetown Law Center Library: Brown v. the Board of Education: May 17, 1954
This guide will aid in the research of documents and resources pertaining to the Brown case, both in the Georgetown Law Center Library and on the internet. The internet page features, among other things, links to original document images of the Brown case, including the decision, letters and pictures.

Howard University School of Law: Brown @ 50: Fulfilling the Promise
Links to educational and other resources relating to Brown and Civil Rights

  Infoplease - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans.
A profile of the milestone US Supreme Court decision forbidding segregation in America's public schools, based on the 14th Amendment.

  Introduction to the Court Opinion on the Brown v. Board of Education Case
Presented by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the leading civil rights organization in the country.

  Landmark Supreme Court Cases - Brown v. Board of Education
Find resources and activities centered around the famous case that determined that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

  MSN Encarta - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
An encyclopedic article about this Supreme Court decision. Click on links for related topics, news, and further reading.

  NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.: "Brown v. Board of Education Matters to All Americans"
A detailed chronology of events after the Supreme Court Brown decision is presented in addition to a listing of related resources.

  NARA - Little Rock School Integration Crisis (PDF Documents)
National Archives and Records Administration presents an overview of the court case that desegregated US schools. View court documents and a letter from Pres. Eisenhower.

  National Center, The - Brown v. Board of Education
Full text of the 1954 Supreme Court decision making it unconstitutional to racially separate children in public schools.


National Park Service - Brown v. Board of Education Historic Site
Visit the school attended by plaintiff Brown's daughter, focus of the 1954 Supreme Court decision calling for an end to public school segregation.

  NPR : Looking Back: Brown v. Board of Education
In the landmark desegregation case of Brown v. Board of Education, the court said "separate" was inherently unequal. In a series of stories, NPR explores the high court's decision and its repercussions

  Oyez - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
The famous Supreme Court case from 1953 that ruled that segregation public schools violated the equal protection of the law guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.


The University of Michigan Library digital archive Brown v. Board of Education. Created by: Ransom, Charles G. University of Michigan University Library. Last accessed [May 2004]
Contains documents and images which chronicle events surrounding this historically significant case up to the present.

A project began in 2003 to scan and digitize documents and photographs from the Library of Congress, the Charlotte Observer newspaper, and the Ann Arbor Public Schools in support of the Winter 2004 LSA Theme Semester, "Fulfilling the Promise of Brown," Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Reads, and the 50th anniversary of the landmark court decision known as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954)./ "Charles Ransom, Diversity Librarian, was responsible for the selection of materials."/ Includes bibliographical references./ Title from home page ; description based on the resource of 2004-02-23.

  YNHTI - From Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute presents this teaching unit on school segregation. Includes overviews of these court cases and integration efforts.

Related Resources
From the Catalog Selected Photographs

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  September 10, 2008
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