Predicting Seasonal Weather
Large-scale weather patterns play a large role in controlling seasonal weather. Knowing the conditions of these atmospheric oscillations in advance would greatly improve long-range weather predictions.
Date Updated: January 4, 2009
Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
Visuals can communicate research results and scientific phenomena in ways that words cannot. That's why NSF cosponsors this international contest to recognize outstanding achievements in this area.
Date Updated: September 25, 2008
Jellyfish Gone Wild: Environmental Change and Jellyfish Swarms
Massive jellyfish blooms have recently overrun some world-class fisheries and tourist destinations--even transforming large swaths of them into veritable jellytoriums. This report--guaranteed to make your skin crawl--explains the basics of jellyfish biology and summarizes what we know about the causes and future of jellyfish blooms.
Date Updated: September 16, 2008
Archaeology From Reel to Real
No one expects the "reel" world of Indiana Jones to resemble the real world of science, but NSF-supported archaeologists really do discover "lost cities," try to figure how "lost civilizations" disappeared and learn about Ancient Egypt from its graves and their skeletons.
Date Updated: May 21, 2008
NSF and the Birth of the Internet
The Internet is now a part of modern life, but how was it created? Learn how the technology behind the Internet was created and how NSFNET, a network created to help university researchers in the 1980s, grew to become the Internet we know today. NAGC Winner
Date Updated: April 29, 2008
X-treme Microbes
They're called 'extremophiles' because they're able to live in shocking extremes of cold, heat, pressure, acidity and more. Research on these strange organisms is redefining the limits of life on Earth and, perhaps, on other worlds. NAGC Winner
Date Updated: April 29, 2008
William T. Golden Appreciation
Although he never worked as a scientist and didn't receive his master's degree in biology until age 70, William T. Golden was one of the most influential figures in post-World War II American science.
Date Updated: November 15, 2007
Nobel Prizes--The NSF Connection
When a scientist who has received federal funding is awarded the Nobel prize, the public can share both the pride and the research benefits. Some 175 laureates have been supported by the public through NSF.
Date Updated: October 10, 2007
U.S. South Pole Station
In the most forbidding environment on Earth, NSF has created a uniquely designed high-tech haven to support research and to house the scientists and others who keep the effort going year-round. NAGC Winner
Date Updated: March 15, 2007
Language and Linguistics
Common to all humans, language is nonetheless complex. How do languages develop and change? What happens when one is lost? What about sign languages? Linguists explore these questions and more.
Date Updated: March 13, 2007
The Liberty Bell: Protecting an American Icon
When the Liberty Bell took a journey to its new home, 21st century sensor technology helped ensure a safe move for this symbol of American history, preserving the bell and its legendary crack.
Date Updated: February 8, 2007
Ecology of Infectious Diseases
West Nile virus. Hantavirus. Lyme disease. Infectious diseases are spreading in animals and humans. Is our interaction with the environment somehow responsible?
Date Updated: October 30, 2006
Robots have long captured the human imagination, yet despite many advances, robots have yet to reach the potential so often envisioned in science fiction.
Date Updated: October 25, 2006
The Secret Lives of Wild Animals
Modern technologies like global tracking systems and ultraminiaturized sensors now provide researchers with intimate glimpses of rarely seen behaviors of wild animals. NAGC Winner
Date Updated: September 25, 2006
Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
More than 75 million Americans live in areas at risk for earthquake or tsunami devastation. This network links researchers working to design structures and materials that better withstand the forces of nature.
Date Updated: August 14, 2006
Disasters--A Series
Whether caused by nature or by humans, disasters are a costly threat. Scientists are working to anticipate and minimize their worst effects.
Date Updated: August 7, 2006
Cyberinfrastructure is poised to revolutionize many science and engineering disciplines. Individual researchers will have the power of the world's highest-performance digital resources at their disposal.
Date Updated: June 28, 2006
Aviation Opens Antarctica
Adm. Richard Byrd's historic flight to the South Pole in 1929 helped open the Frozen Continent. The history of aviation and the history of Antarctic science and exploration are inextricably entwined.
Date Updated: June 5, 2006
Seafloor Science
On the seafloor--where no sunlight reaches and pressure is extreme--tectonic plates slowly shift, chimneys spew hot liquid "smoke," and exotic life forms thrive. Join the VISIONS '05 expedition to see more.
Date Updated: March 20, 2006
Surveys: Tracking Opinion
Human behavior is one of the most important yet ill-understood areas of scientific inquiry. Surveys are the scientific instruments that help us understand ourselves and our society.
Date Updated: March 17, 2006
After the Tsunami
Within days of the massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean in late 2004, teams of researchers rushed to survey the disaster, hoping to learn how such loss of lives, property and ecosystems could be prevented.
Date Updated: October 7, 2005
Arctic Climate Research
The complex factors that influence climate change demand a multifaceted approach--from ships at sea to snowmobiles in Alaska--to study the process.
Date Updated: October 7, 2005
Digging Dinosaurs
Spotting fossil remains is only the first step in accurately recreating a creature that has been dead for many millions of years.
Date Updated: October 7, 2005
Life Science Frontiers
Biological organisms mesh with the surrounding environment to form vibrant, thriving communities. Scientists from diverse backgrounds are examining this complicated weave of life.
Date Updated: October 7, 2005
World Year of Physics 2005
Just a century ago, an unknown patent clerk named Albert Einstein gave us a whole new way to think about light, matter, energy, space and time. Learn what he did in 1905--and all that came of it.
Date Updated: August 3, 2005
The Sensor Revolution
In the 1980s, it was the PC revolution; in the 1990s, the Internet revolution. And now, it's the Sensor revolution--introducing the world's first electronic nervous system.
Date Updated: July 21, 2005
Teacher Institutes
By putting teachers back into an intense learning and leadership environment, the National Science Foundation seeks to improve the mathematics and science education of the nation's youth.
Date Updated: July 20, 2005
The Chemistry of Water
Water is very familiar, but it is hardly ordinary. Scientists still have much to learn about this remarkable and versatile substance.
Date Updated: June 10, 2005
Showing: 1-28 of 28