If you cannot affect the financial interests of your prospective employer, you do not have to worry about the seeking employment rules.  They do not apply.  The rules come into play when you want to work for someone that you affect by the job you do for the government.  However, you may have some other restrictions if you are involved in certain procurement matters.  These restrictions are outside the authority of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.


5 C.F.R. § 2635.602 states:


An employee who is seeking employment with a person whose financial interests are not affected directly and predictably by particular matters in which he participates personally and substantially has no obligation under [the Seeking Employment] subpart. An employee may, however, be subject to other statutes which impose requirements on employment contacts or discussions, such as 41 U.S.C. 423(c), applicable to agency officials involved in certain procurement matters.