Bill Summary & Status for the 99th Congress

Congress: 111 | 110 | 109 | 108 | 107 | 106 | 105 | 104 | 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93

Browse Alphabetical List of Bill Popular and Short Titles

Browse Starting with:
Number of items per page: (maximum is 500)          
1985 Act To Create the Death Penalty Punish Terrorist Acts
1985 Emergency Farm Credit Relief Act
1985 Tax Amnesty Act
1985 White House Conference on International Trade Act
Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1985
Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1986
Access to Health Care Act of 1986
Accuracy in House Proceedings Resolution
Acid Deposition Act
Acid Deposition and Sulfur Emissions Reduction Act
Acid Deposition and Sulfur Loadings Reduction Act
Acid Deposition Control Act of 1985
Acid Deposition Control Act of 1986
Acid Deposition Control Act
Acid Precipitation Act Amendments of 1986
Acid Precipitation Control Technology Research and Demonstration Act
Acid Rain Control Act of 1985
Acid Rain Control Act of 1986
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Counseling, Education, and Services Act of 1986
Act of 1985
Act to Authorize the United States to Participate in Chapter II of the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Act to Combat International Terrorism
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Consumer Protection Act
Administrative Law Judge Corps Act
Administrative Procedure Reform Act of 1985
Administrative Rulemaking Control Act
Admiralty Island Land Exchange Act of 1986
Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood Act of 1984
Adoption Assistance Amendments of 1985
Adult and Continuing Education Act of 1985
Advance Recourse Loan Act of 1985
Advanced Technology Foundation Act
Advisory Panel on Government Debt Collection Act
Africa Famine, Recovery and Development Fund Act of 1986
Africa Famine, Recovery, and Development Fund Act
African Drought Monitoring and Research Act of 1986
African Famine Relief and Recovery Act of 1985
Age Discrimination in Apprenticeship Programs Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Act Public Safety Officers Amendments of 1985
Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments of 1985
Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments of 1986
Agency Accountability Act of 1985
Agricultural Act of 1985
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1985
Agricultural and Energy Bank Incentive Act
Agricultural and Food Assistance Act of 1985
Agricultural Bank Assistance Act of 1985
Agricultural Bank Assistance Act of 1986
Agricultural Bank Capital Assistance Act
Agricultural Bond and Interest Relief Act of 1985
Agricultural Commodity Uses Research Act of 1985
Agricultural Conservation Easement Act of 1985
Agricultural Credit Act of 1985
Agricultural Credit Act of 1986
Agricultural Credit and Rural Development Act of 1985
Agricultural Credit Task Force Act of 1985
Agricultural Disaster Payment-In-Kind Act of 1985
Agricultural Efficiency and Equity Act of 1985
Agricultural Export Act of 1985
Agricultural Export Act of 1986
Agricultural Export Enhancement and Soil Conservation Act of 1985
Agricultural Export Expansion Act of 1985
Agricultural Export Reserve Act of 1985
Agricultural Export Trade Equity Act of 1985
Agricultural Fair Market Price Act of 1985
Agricultural Fair Trade Act of 1985
Agricultural IDB Protection Act of 1985
Agricultural Investment Act of 1985
Agricultural Land Value Stabilization Act of 1985
Agricultural Land Value Tax Act of 1985
Agricultural Lender Capital Assistance Act
Agricultural Lenders Capital Assistance Act of 1986
Agricultural Loan Assistance Act of 1986
Agricultural Loan Guarantee and Debt Restructuring Act
Agricultural Loans for Agriculture Act of 1986
Agricultural Patent Act of 1985
Agricultural Patent Reform Act of 1984
Agricultural Patent Reform Act of 1985
Agricultural Patent Reform Act
Agricultural Price Support Act of 1985
Agricultural Producers Antitrust Access Act
Agricultural Productivity Act of 1985
Agricultural Programs Improvement Act of 1986
Agricultural Quarantine Enforcement Act of 1986
Agricultural Quarantine Enforcement Act
Agricultural Recovery Act of 1985
Agricultural Resource Conservation Act of 1985
Agricultural Shipper Protection Act of 1986
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee Act of 1985
Agricultural Tax Reform Act of 1985
Agricultural Trade Amendment Act of 1985
Agricultural Trade Enhancement Act of 1985
Agricultural Trade, Food, and Fiber Act of 1985
Agriculture Act of 1985
Agriculture and Energy Assistance Act of 1986
Agriculture and Timber Products Shipper Protection Act of 1986
Agriculture Expansion Act of 1985
Agriculture, Food, Trade, and Conservation Act of 1985
Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1987
Aid to Families and Employment Transition Act of 1986
