Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress

Congress: 111 | 110 | 109 | 108 | 107 | 106 | 105 | 104 | 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93

Browse Alphabetical List of Bill Popular and Short Titles

Browse Starting with:
Number of items per page: (maximum is 500)          
10-20-30 Act
10-20-Life Act
10 Percent Tax Cut Act
100 Percent Truth-in-Sentencing Act
1940 Takings Restoration Act
1999 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
1999 Omnibus Adoption Act
2000 Census Community Participation Enhancement Act
2000 Census Follow-up Questionnaire bill
2000 Census Language Barrier Removal Act
2000 Census Mail Outreach Improvement Act
2000 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Counternarcotics Activities, Peacekeeping Operations, and Other National Security Matters
2000 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
2002 Winter Olympic Commemorative Coin Act
21st Century Acquisition Reform and Improvement Act of 2000
21st Century Community Learning and Successful Schools Act of 1999
21st Century Community Learning Centers Act
21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act
21st Century Election Rules and Technology Act
21st Century Electoral Reform Act
21st Century Fire and Emergency Services Act of 2000
21st Century Justice Act of 1999
21st Century Law Enforcement and Public Safety Act
21st Century Master Teacher Act
21st Century Media Responsibility Act of 1999
21st Century Mentor Teacher Act
21st Century Retirement Act
21st Century Rural Utility Service Rural Development Enhancement Through Local Information Act
21st Century Safe and Sound Communities Act
21st Century School Modernization Act
21st Century Teacher Training Act of 1999
21st Century Teaching Scholarships Act
21st Century Technology Resources and Commercial Leadership Act
21st Century Urban Teachers Recruitment and Retention Act of 1999
21st Century Veterans Employment and Training Act
401(k) Full Disclosure Act
50 States Commemorative Coin Program Amendments Act of 1999
527 Organization Disclosure bill
A+ Accounts for Public and Private Schools Act
A Just Apportionment for All States Act
A Million Quality Teachers Act
A-Plus Accounts for Public and Private Schools Act
Abandoned Hardrock Mines Reclamation Act of 1999
Abandoned Mine Restoration Act of 1999
Abducted Young Adults Act
Abel and Mary Nicholson House National Historic Site Study Act of 2000
Abolishment of Obsolete Agencies and Federal Sunset Act of 1999
Abortion Clinic Violence amendment
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Act
Abusive Tax Shelter Shutdown Act of 1999
Academic Achievement Enhancement Act
Academic Achievement for All Act (Straight A's Act)
Academic Achievement for All Demonstration Act (Straight A's Act)
Academic Emergency Act
Academic Excellence in Environmental Sciences Act of 1999
Access Aid Act of 1999
Access to Affordable Health Care Act
Access to Books for Children Act
Access to Capital for Individuals With Disabilities Act of 2000
Access to Contract Equity Act
Access to Disability Insurance Act of 1999
Access to Emergency Medical Services Act of 1999
Access to Excellence in Education for the 21st Century Act
Access to High Standards Act
Access to Innovation for Medicare Patients Act of 1999
Access to Innovation for Medicare Patients Act of 2000
Access to Medical Treatment Act
Access to Money (ATM) Act of 2000
Access to Prescription Medications in Medicare Act of 1999
Access to Quality Care Act of 1999
Access to Rx Medications in Medicare Act of 1999
Access to Safety and Advocacy Act
Access to Safety and Advocacy for Victims of Violence Against Women Act
Access to Thermal Imaging Cameras Act
Access to Women's Health Care Act of 1999
Accountability and Disclosure Act of 2000
Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2000
Accountability to Congress for Nuclear Transfers to North Korea Act of 2000
Accounting Fairness for Dentists and Physicians Act of 1999
Accuracy in Judicial Administration Act of 2000
Acid Deposition and Ozone Control Act
Acid Deposition Control Act
Across-the-Board Rescissions (Spending Cuts) FY2000 Appropriations bill
Act for the Effective National Firearms Objectives for Responsible Common-sense Enforcement of 2000
Act to Save America's Forests
ADA Notification Act
Addiction Free Treatment Act of 1999
Adjustment of 2001 Discretionary Spending Caps bill
Administrative Law Judge Conference of the United States Act
Admiral James W. Nance and Meg Donovan Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2000 and 2001
Admiral James W. Nance Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2000 and 2001
Adolescent Therapeutic Community Treatment Programs Act
Adopted Orphans Citizenship Act
Adoption Awareness Act of 1999
Adoption Does Offer Potential Treasures Act of 2000
Adoption Equality Act of 1999
Adoption Promotion Act
Advance Planning and Compassionate Care Act of 1999
Advanced Technology Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Act of 2000
