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Pacific Island Ecosystem Research Center's
Field Station Projects

Hawaiian Birds Projects

Molecular Genetics Mammals

WildLife Health

Ecosystem and Biological Diversity Outreach & Education
Volcano Watch Articles

Project Leaders & Research Scientists

Dr. Carter Atkinson,   Wildlife Health
Dr. Paul Banko,   Bird Ecology and Conservation
Dr. David Foote,   Entomology
Dr. Donald Gardner,   Botany and Biological Control
Dr. Jim Jacobi,   Botany and Biological Control
Dr. Sue Jarvi,   Molecular Genetics

Dr. Dennis LaPointe,   Mosquitoes Ecology
  Predator Ecology
Dr. Lloyd Loope,   Botany, Haleakala Field Station
Dr. Thane Pratt,   Bird Ecology
Dr. Michelle Reynolds,   Botany
Dr. Bethany Woodworth,   Bird Ecology

Pacific Island Ecosystem Research Center's Projects search page for the following documents

5003639   Developing a listening post in the tropical Pacific: Sensitivity of Hawaii high-elevation and aquatic ecosystems to global change Loope, Lloyd
5003638   Experimental determination of efficacy of seeding and outplanting as technologies for dryland forest restoration at Auwahi, Maui, Hawaii Loope, Lloyd
5003224   Ecosystem response to feral pig removal in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Foote, David
5003130   Ecosystem management studies: military training areas in Hawaii Foote, David
5003129   Hawaiian Islands wildlife refuge research Flint, Beth
5002986   An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Brenner, Gregory J. , Howarth, Frank , and Oboyski, Pete
5002985   Loss of invertebrate biodiversity in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Foote, David
5001771   Hawaii ecosystems at risk C. W. Smith , L.L. Loope , and P.A. Thomas
5001769   Epizootiology and control of avian diseases in endangered forest bird habitat in South Kona, Hawaii Atkinson, Carter T.
5001768   Seasonal prevalence and transmission of avian pox and malaria in Hawaiian forest birds Atkinson, Carter T.
5001767   Initiating recovery of the critically endangered honeycreeper, the Poouli Thane K. Pratt and Paul E. Baker
5001766   Breeding behavior and population ecology of Akohekohe and Maui Parrotbill on Haleakala Volcano, Maui Pratt, Thane K. and Simon, John C.
5001765   Ecology of the endangered Nightingale Reed-Warbler Woodworth, Bethany and Mosher, Stephen M.
5001764   Establishment of additional breeding populations of the critically-endangered Puaiohi in Kauai's Alakai Wilderness Area. Tweed, E. J.
5001763   Effectiveness of potential management actions for increasing populations of endangered birds in wet forests of Hawaii Woodworth, Bethany L.
5001762   Reproduction and survival of Akiapolaau, Hawaii Akepa, Hawaii Creeper, and other native forest birds along a gradient of native bird density in wet forests of windward Hawaii Woodworth, Bethany L.
5001761   Palila restoration Banko, Paul C.
5001760   Hakalau bird food resources Banko, Paul C.
5001759   Effect of malaria on experimentally-infected Hawaiian forest birds Atkinson, Carter T.
5001758   Palila foraging ecology Banko, Paul C.
5001757   Alala restoration Banko, Paul C.
5001756   Foraging ecology, population dynamics, and translocation feasibility of the Laysan duck (Anas Laysanensis) Reynolds, Michelle H.
5001755   Develop control methodology for the Argentine ant within Haleakala National Park Loope, Lloyd L.
5001754   Gather information for recovery planning for endangered plant taxa of Maui, Hawaii Loope, Lloyd L.
5001753   Distribution, biology and control strategies for alien plant species of Maui which threaten native ecosystems, to assist interagency management efforts Loope, Lloyd L.
5001752   Mechanisms of invasion of intact Hawaiian rain forest by non-native plant species Loope, Lloyd L.
5001751   Biology and control of Miconia Loope, Lloyd L.
5001750   Development of Hawai`i plant species occurrence and habitat database and completing curation of Hawai`i Forest Bird Survey plant collection. Jacobi, James D.
5001749   Investigations of rare and alien plant species distribution and abundance, and vegetation structure, composition, and dynamics in the Ola`a-Kilauea Management Area. Jacobi, James D.
5001748   Development of a serological test for avian malaria Atkinson, Carter T.
5001747   Distribution and abundance of predators and their effect on native birds in wet forests of Hawaii Lindsey, Gerald D.
5001746   Distribution and disease vector potential of mosquitoes in Hawaiian forest bird habitat M. Lee Goff and Dennis A. LaPointe
5001745   Breeding ecology, bionomics and control of Culex mosquitoes in Hawaiian forest bird habitat. Dennis A. LaPointe and Carter T. Atkinson
5001744   Threats to native plants Gardner, Donald E.
5001743   Biocontrol of yellow Himalayan raspberry (Rubus ellipticus) Gardner, Donald E.
5001742   Biocontrol of blackberry (Rubus argutus) Gardner, Donald E., Killgore, Eloise, and Anderson, Robert C.
5001741   Biocontrol of Myrica faya Gardner, Donald E. and Killgore, Eloise
5001740   Koa dieback Gardner, Donald E. and Anderson, Robert C.
5001739   Biocontrol of kahili ginger Gardner, Donald E. and Anderson, Robert C.
5001737   Development of a faunal restoration plan for Kahoolawe Lindsey, Gerald D., Atkinson, Carter T., Banko, Paul C. , Brenner, Gregory J., Campbell, Earl W., III, David, Reginald E., Foote, David , Forbes, Charlotte M., Morin, Marie P. , Pratt, Thane K., Reynolds, Michelle H. , Steiner, William W. M. , Sugihara, Robert T. , and Warshauer, Frederick R.

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