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Open Door Forum on Health Initiatives

May 20, 2008 Open Door Forum

On May 20, 2008, please join the Indian Health Service (IHS) for our Eighth quarterly teleconference/WebEx Open Door Forum. This Forum will focus on agency wide efforts in obesity prevention and control for adults. IHS Director, Robert McSwain, will provide an update on the status of current National obesity prevention and control issues. The IHS and Tribal programs will share their innovative work in obesity prevention across the adult and elder spectrum. Lorraine Whitehair, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will present on CDC's Obesity Prevention and Control Efforts; Dr. Ann Bullock, Chief Clinical Consultant for Family Medicine and the Medical Director of the Eastern Band Cherokee Hospital will present on their Cherokee Choices program; Sandra Miller, Director, Diabetes Prevention Program will present on the Lawton Service Unit Diabetes Prevention Program; Dr. Dale Schmeisser, Nutritionist from the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community will present on the Women of Wellness Program; Carmen Repicci, Diabetes Competitive Grant Program Project Administrator for the Seneca Nation will present on the Diabetes and Obesity Prevention Program for Adults and Elder. Participate in the conclusion of this 2 part informative series as we share resources, create learning communities, and showcase best and promising practices for obesity prevention and control.

PowerPoint presentations will be available on the Director's Health Initiatives website approximately one week prior to the teleconference - please download the presentations so you can follow along during the teleconference. There will be time for dialogue at the end of the presentations. A survey monkey will also be available for feedback after the Forum. Following the call, a transcript will be available at the Directors' Initiatives website for those who miss this event.

After the call, the web-ex recordings of previous Open Door Forums will be available under "What's New" of the Director's Initiatives website. CEUs are a feature of our Open Door Forums and will be available for physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and dieticians. We will add other disciplines if interest supports this option for future forums. CEUs can be obtained by completing the Survey MonkeyExitDisclaimer.

To print copies of the May 20, 2008 Open Door Forum documents (presentations and agenda), click on these files below:


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