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TOC\ Indian Health Service\ Other Programs 

      Community Suicide Prevention
      Contract Health Services
      Environmental Health Support Center Training
      Health Education Program
      National Council of Clinical Directors
      Third Party Billing & Collections
      Tribal Programs
      Urban Programs

Division of Facilities and Environmental Engineering  - Supports IHS delivery of health care by constructing, operating and maintaining health care faciliites and through the provision of sanitation facilities (water and waste disposal service) to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Also responsible for managing all IHS real property.   URL:
Executive Leadership Development Program  - A concentrated executive leadership program designed specifically for current and future leaders. The program will benefit individuals who are either serving in or aspire to be in leadership positions.   URL:
Head Start Program  - Assists Head Start AIPB grantees in the development of comprehensive health service programs for children and families by promoting preventive health services and intervention, and assists in the development and mobilization of health care systems.   URL:
IHS Research Program  - The Mission of the IHS Research Program is: To do and to sustain careful and socially responsible scientific inquiry in the health sciences involving American Indian/Alaska Native people and communities, with maximum tribal involvement in and control over that research.   URL:
IHS Staff Development  - The IHS Staff Development Council is made up of staff developers and nurse educators from throughout the Indian Health Service and tribal programs. Individually, we may be responsible for assessment, maintenance and development of competent staff in our facilities. We coordinate and provide orientation, in-service education, and continuing education programs.   URL:
Institutional Environmental Health Program  - Through shared decision making, enhance the health and quality of life of all American Indians/Alaskan Natives to the highest possible level by eliminating environmentally related disease and injury through sound public health measures.   URL:
National Council of Clinical Directors  - The National Council of Clinical Directors (NCCD) is the organization of and for Clinical Directors and Medical Directors of all clinics and hospitals of the United States Indian Health Service including Tribal and Urban programs.   URL:
Site Mangers Network  - The Site Manager's National Committee major task is to plan the Site Manager's meeting held during the Technical Conference each year. This is done by surveying site managers for topics of interest, and working with the Conference Committee.   URL:
The Level of Need Funded (LNF) Workgroup  - Research to estimate the costs of a mainstream package of health services for Indian people.   URL:
US Public Health Service  - US Public Health Service home page.   URL:

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