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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ Perl 

ActiveState Tool Corp. - Professional tools for Perl developers  - Lots of Perl related stuff.   URL:
ZDNET d e v h e a d: Easy Things Easy -- Hard Things Possible  - Perl Wisdom: Nathan Torkington's first Perl Wisdom column for DevHead investigates the philosophy of Perl scripting while covering some basics.   URL:,4413,2200068,00.html
ZDNET d e v h e a d: ScriptLibrary - Perl Script  - If want to add some more functionality to your Web design on the server side, use one of these easy-to-install CGI scripts. To make finding your scripts easier, we've broken them out into eleven categories. These CGI/Perl scripts are free.   URL:
ZDNET d e v h e a d: Cross-platform Perl/CGI Tips and Tricks  - Pick up some tips and tricks that will make your Perl/CGI programs run the same way on different servers. Make your code more portable and easier to set up. It saves you time when you are developing a program on one server and installing it on another.   URL:,4413,2172945,00.html
ZDNET d e v h e a d: Perl 101  - If you see a form, a drop-down list, or other simple interactive element that includes a box inviting you to enter text or to perform a search, chances are you're looking at the product of script written in Perl.   URL:,4413,2141114,00.html
ZDNET d e v h e a d: Where Are Your Web Site Hits Coming From?  - Use simple Perl scripts to track your site's traffic and learn more about your audience. One of the most useful pieces of information for a Webmaster is where the visitors are coming from. It's a simple matter to get this information.   URL:,4413,2144889,00.html

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