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Not all JavaScript has to be run from within a web page. The easiest place to run JavaScript from on your own computer is from the Bookmarks menu where you control when it runs by selecting it from your browser menu.

Bookmarklet Scripts

Stephen's JavaScript Blog

Related Image Match Game

Tuesday January 13, 2009
A somewhat different memory game where the images to be matched are different

The basic memory game where you match identical images to one another tests your memory but doesn't really teach you anything. If instead all the images are different but they still exist in pairs where each of the pairs have something in common even though they are not identical images means that you not only need to have a good memory but you also need to recognise what the relationships are. My sample game uses fifteen picture images and a matching set of fifteen images containing a word description of those pictures. The two sets of images can be anything at all though as long as you have something that matches the one set of images to the other.

Related Image Match Game

Encoding Web Addresses

Monday January 12, 2009
Some characters have special meanings

There are a number of characters that have special meanings when they appear in web addresses. Those characters may also be needed as a part of the content of the address. In order that everything processing the address is able to tell the difference between those characters with and without their special meanings you need to encode the ones where you don't want the special meaning to apply. JavaScript provides not just one but two functions that you can call to do this encoding for you.

Encoding Web Addresses

Properties of RegExp

Sunday January 11, 2009
Regular Expressions capture a lot of information about your text in a number of properties

When you process a Regular Expression it can not only update the text string that you are processing it against. There are a number of properties associated with Regular Expressions and some of these can be set to change the way the expression is processed while others return information about the processing that was performed and even pieces of the string. The twentieth Regular Expressions tutorial introduces you to these properties and what you can do with them.

Properties of RegExp

Back Button or Link

Saturday January 10, 2009
JavaScript can emulate some of the functionality provided by the browser toolbars and menu.

Using a little JavaScript you can add a back button or link within your web page that takes your visitors back to the previous page that they were on, exactly the same as their browser back button does.

Back Button or Link


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