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HSR&D 2001 National Meeting Abstracts

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Note: An asterisk preceding a title indicates that the research was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research & Development Service.

* A Comparison of Characteristics and VA Service Use of the Homeless Jail and Homeless Non-jail Outreach Populations 247

* A Prospective and Quantitative Analysis of the COX-2 Inhibitors (rofecoxib and celecoxib); Warfarin Drug Interaction 267

* A Prospective Study of Clinical Predictors of Mortality in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury 211

A Randomized Trial of Attaching Clinical Reminders to Echocardiography Reports to Improve ACE Inhibitor Use 158

* A Randomized Trial of Patient Education in Improving Course in Manic-Depressive Disorder 166

A Regional Comparison of Mortality and Length of Stay in a VA Hospital and Private Sector Hospitals Serving the Same Health Care Market 38

A Retrospective Evaluation of the Site-of-Care Preference of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Veterans in a Rural Setting 144

* A Store-and-Forward Telemedicine System for Assessment of Pressure Ulcers 240

* A Study of the Reliability of Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosis by Chart Review 288

* A Validation Study of the Spanish Version of the New York Quality of Life Index. 248

Access Barriers, Lifestyle And Glycemic Control in Insulin-Treated Veterans with Type II Diabetes A Comparison of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Whites in the Southwest 140

Access to Clinically Necessary Angiography in VA Compared with Medicare: A National Comparison of Process and 3-year Survival 150
* Access to General Medical Care Among Veterans With Severe Mental Illness 296

Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications Among Patients with Schizophrenia: Comparing Atypical and Conventional Antipsychotics 125

Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Infected Adults 128

Adherence to Pressure Ulcer Prevention Guidelines: Implications for Nursing Home Quality 20

Adjusting VA Nursing Home Costs for Case Mix 105

Adoption of Managed Care Practice Arrangements by VHA Facilities 31

An Economic Analysis of Transurethral Surgery Compared to Watchful Waiting and Pharmacologic Management for Moderately Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Results from the Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study 47

* Antipsychotic Prescribing Practices 310

* Applicability of General Surgical Clinical Pathways in a Veterans Affairs Hospital 283

* Are VA Clinicians Following Dementia Practice Guidelines? 262

* Are Women Veterans Worrying about Heart Disease? 169

Arthroscopic Surgery Versus Placebo Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Results of a Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial 40

Aspirin Use and Counseling about Aspirin Among Patients with Diabetes in VA 75

Assessing Inter-Rater Reliability and Nurse Competency in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program 54

* Assessing Severity of Acute Care in VA using 3M's 307

Assessing the Effects of Integrated Care on Medical Cost Savings in VA and non-VA Mental Health Patients 107

Assessing the Performance of Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACGs) in Explaining Variation in Utilization among Age and Gender Subgroups in the VA 90

Association of Diabetes Mellitus with Prescription of Atypical Neuroleptics 94

* Automated Textbook Indexing for Full Text Information Retrieval 167

Barriers and Facilitators to Clinical Practice Guideline Implementation in a National Sample of VA Hospitals 21

Behavioral Risk Factor Profile of VHA Patients: Nutritional Problems, Physical Activity, and Tobacco and Alcohol Use 37

* Behavioral Risk Factors in Veterans 303

Can Insulin-Treated Veterans with Type II Diabetes Melitus Monitor their Blood Sugars Four Times Daily? 86

Can Veterans with Postraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) be Safely asked about their Taumatic Experiences using Mailed Surveys? 131

* Caregivers' Confidence in their Ability to Prevent Home Injury to a Care-Recipient with Dementia 221

Changes in Resource Use Under VERA: a VISN-Level Analysis of Five Medical Conditions 69

Characteristics of VHA Facility Smoking Cessation Programs and Practices 97

* Characterization and Prediction of High Mortality Rates among Veterans with Serious Mental Illnesses 168

* Characterizing the Medical Co-morbidities and the Provision of Preventive Services to Chronic Institutionalized Veterans with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) 207

* Client and Family Preferences Regarding Outcomes of Treatment for Severe, Persistent Mental Illness 192

* Clinical Reminders: Development and Distribution of a Software-Based Provider Intervention and Guideline Reporting Tool Using Newly Released Functionality in VistA Software 304

Clinician-Patient Interactions About Requests for Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Patient and Family View 148

* Collaborative Care Improves Depression Treatment in VA Primary Care: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial 180

Community Residential Settings: Differences Between Residents with and without Cognitive Impairment 142

* Comparing the Lengths of Stay (LOS) for Patients with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) with non-SMI Controls Admitted to a Medical Ward 206

Comparing the Performance of Two Diagnosis-Based Case-Mix Measures Among Groups of Veterans Using Health Care Services 16

* Comparison of Generic Effectiveness Measures in Veterans with Schizophrenia 259

* Comparison of Primary Care Provider Types in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus 96

Comparisons of VA and Private Sector ICU Outcomes: the Impact of Hospital Length of Stay 110

* Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Veterans Receiving VA Primary Care 165

Compliance with LDL-Cholesterol Guidelines in Veterans with Ischemic Heart Disease: Do Visits to a Cardiologist Make a Difference? 127

* Comprehensive Examination of Serial Prostate Biopsy Studies and Proprietary Technical Advances 1994-1999 173

* Computer-assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) Techniques in VA Research 308

* Consistency of Chronic Disease Quality of Care Indicator Performance System-wide: External Peer-Review Program (EPRP) Data 196

* Consistency of Preventive Health Service Delivery at a Facility-Level According to National Guidelines System-wide: A QUERI Study of Veterans Health Survey (VHS) Data 197

* Continuity of Care in VA Substance Abuse Programs: What Program Characteristics are Linked to Best Practices? 266

Coping with VA Databases and Working Towards High Quality Research data 121

Cost Savings from Adopting Psychosocial Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs as an Alternative to Traditional Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Inpatient Care in the VA 44

Creating an Operational Definition of Degree of Clinical Integration 29

Culture, End of Life Issues and Quality of Care 114

Delivery of Primary Care Health Services to patients' with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) 3

* Diabetes in the VA 302

* Diabetes Treatment Regimens: Changes in Clinical Practice and Variations Within the VA 258

* Diastolic Heart Failure in the Elderly: Lack of Differences in 18-month Mortality by Ethnicity and Gender 224

Differences between Initial and Repeat Blood Pressure before Measurements during the same clinic Visit in Primary Care Practices 81

* Differences in Disease Expression between Older Nonwhite and Younger White HIV Positive Patients: The VACS and HCSUS Experience 229

* Disease Prevalence Estimation from Administrative Data: The Case of Diabetes 306

Do Different Case Mix Measures Affect Judgments of VISN Performance? 79

* Does A Home-Based Walking Program Improved Functional Status in Chronic Heart Failure? 188

Does Staffing Matter? The Effects of Nurse Staffing on Rates of Pressure Ulcer Development 72

* DSS and Perspective Online: What are they and what can they do for you? 301

Effect of Clinical Integration on Patient Outcomes in VA Cardiology 28

* Effect of Financial Incentives for Cadaveric Organ Donation 176

* Effect of Smoking, Alcohol and Depression on the Quality of Life of Head/Neck Cancer Patients 201

* Effectiveness and Adverse Effects of Terazosin for Treatment of Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Obstruction: a Aystematic Review 289

* Effects of Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) in Safety and Quality of Patient Care: Clinicians' Perspectives 215

Effects of Group HIV Health Education on Patient Centered Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial 109

* Effects of Group HIV Patient Education on Adherence to Antiretrovirals: A Randomized Controlled Trial 213

Effects of Nurse Phone Contacts on Maintenance of Exercise in Elderly Primary Care Patients 141

Effects of Renal Insufficiency on Treatment and Survival after Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly 113

Efficacy of Telepsychiatry in the Treatment of Depression 152

* Electronic Data Entry Methods for Primary Data Collection 311

Electronic Monitoring of Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: Common Barriers Experienced 103

* Enhancing a Safety Culture: Assessment and Adult Learning Opportunities through Patient Safety Fairs 204

* Enhancing Patient Safety by Preventing Vascular Catheter-Related Infection: which Site Disinfectant Should We Use? 265

* Estimating Potential Cost Savings for Erythropoietin Administration for End Stage Renal Disease Results from the VA Cooperative Studies Program/Health Care Financing Administration End Stage Renal Disease Work Group Collaborative Study 278

* Ethnic Differences and Reporting Compliance in GAF Scores among VA Patients with Psychosis 299

* Ethnic Differences in the Language of Breathlessness used by African American and Caucasian Asthmatics 218

* Evaluating Knee Specific Pain and Satisfaction with Knee Procedure: A Validation Study 292

* Evaluating Patient Distress from Cancer Related Fatigue: An Instrument Development Study 220

Evaluating Quality of Care Screens from Laboratory Databases 136

* Evaluation of an Administrative System to Identify Patients with HIV/AIDS 256

* Evaluation of Persian Gulf War Clinics in Seattle: Utilization and Costs 241

Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment in the Department of Veterans Affairs: 1993-1999 61

* Facility Profiling for the Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Heart Disease; Issues and Cautions 272

Factors Affecting Choice of Community Residential Care Setting149

Factors Affecting Diabetes Knowledge in Insulin-Treated Veterans with Type II Diabetes Mellitus 48

Food Insufficiency Among Female VA Patients 59

Four-Year Prospective Evaluation of Community-Acquired Bacteremia: Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Patient Outcome 92

* From Clinical Trials to Real-World Practice: Use of Atypical Antipsychotic Medication Nationally in the Department of Veterans Affairs 263

Functional Outcomes in Observational Studies of VA Stroke Patients: The Impact of Selection Bias 133

Functional Status, Rates of Trauma, and Personal Hardships of Women and Men who Applied for VA Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Disability Benefits, 1994 to 1998 87

* Gender Differences in Help-Seeking and the 8-Year Course of Alcohol Abuse 279

Gender Differences in Hepatitis C and Associated Risks in Persons with Severe Mental Illness 33

Health Care Preferences and Choices of Gulf War Veterans in VISN 13 64

* Health Care Utilization and Costs in Schizophrenic Patients taking Risperidone versus Olanzapine in a Veterans Administration Population 208

* Health Improvements Associated with Home-Based Walking in Elderly Primary Care Patients 200

* Health Promotion Needs of Women Veterans Following Spinal Cord Injury 164

* Health Status and Health Care Utilization of Veterans who Smoke 269

* Health Status and Health Concerns of Men with Osteoarthritis 175

Health Care Utilization, Patient Retention, and Access to Care: Potential Barriers for Veterans with Psychiatric Disorders 153

Health-related Quality of Life in the ADAM Study, a Randomized Trial of Surgery vs. Surveillance for Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 76

* Healthy Hair Starts with a Healthy Body - An Innovative Approach to Promote Healthy Behavior Changes in a High-risk Population 231

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Prevalence, Access to Care, and Psychiatric Co- Morbidities in the Northwest Network 27

* Hospital Admissions for Medication Adverse Events in Florida: Implications for Chronic Disease Outcomes 179

How to Merge VA and Medicare Data 124

Human Subjects Issues: Operational Lessons in Conducting Multi-site and Multi-institutional Studies 120

* Hypertension Therapy Decision Aids:Which Organizing Framework is Considered Most Useful? 271

Identification and Management of Depressive Symptoms by VA and Non-VA Medical Providers 135

* Identifying Clinical Competencies that Support Rehabilitation and Empowerment in Individuals with Serious Mental Illness 295

Identifying Depression in Primary Care: A Literature Synthesis of Case-Finding Instruments 104

Impact of Psychological Factors on Outcomes: Patients Treated for Osteoarthritis of the Knee 41

Implementing Hypertension Guidelines: Randomized Trial of General Versus Patient-specific Recommendation 157

* Improving Access to Care: The Impact of Shared Decision Making and Empowerment of Patients and Staff 234

Improving Care to Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease: Experiences in a Single Network of the Veterans Health Administration 89

* Improving Quality of Care for MDD and Schizophrenia: The Mental Health and Quality Research Initiative 309

* Increased Psychiatric Disease in Veterans with a Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis 297

* Influence of Prior VA User Status on Lower Extremity Amputations Rates in Veterans with Diabetes 257

* Informal Caregiving For Diabetes Among Elderly Americans: Estimates from a Nationally Representative Sample 233

Inpatient Adverse Drug Event Monitoring: Efficacy and Cost of Automated and Non-automated Methods 134

* Insulation from Breakdown as a Barrier to Resident Learning in Clinic 274

Lack of Clustering in a Randomized Trial of Smoking Cessation Guideline Implementation (QUITS) 77

Limited Internet Use by Patients Cared for in Veterans Affairs Medical Centers 17

Lipid Measurement and Management among VA Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease 93

Listening in: Assessing the Validity of Standardized Patient Ratings of Physician 132

Performance Loss of ADL Function in Older Hospitalized Patients: Increased Vulnerability with Age 63

Managing in a Changing System: VHA Managers' Perceptions of Organizational Change 30

* Marketing Smoking Cessation: Does a Free Patch in the Mail Augment Attendance? 228

* Measuring a Safety Culture: Preliminary Results 203

* Measuring Aggression in Older Adults: A Latent Variable Modeling Approach 291

Measuring Cervical Cancer Screening in the Veterans Health Administration 159

Measuring Organizational Features of Health Care Systems 6

* Measuring Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness with a Pharmacy Data Mart 275

* Measuring Utilities for Mental Health Outcomes Among Individuals with Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders and Schizophrenia 260

* Medical Decision Making Using a Static Measure of Cerebral Functioning in the Unconscious Mind 254

Medication Administration Error and BCMA: Preliminary Findings 4

Mental Disorders in the Veterans Health Administration: The 1999 Health Survey of Veterans 99

* Mental Health Guidelines Implementation in the VA: Results from a National Survey by the Mental Health QUERI 193

Model of Care and Patient Satisfaction Among Women Veterans in VISN 4 108

* Multidimensional Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Heart Failure 270

* Non-visit Care of Targeted Populations and used to Improve Staff Documentation of Metered Dose Inhaler Patient Instruction 287

* Observation of Seat Belt Use By Older Drivers 246

* Offline Testing of Automated Decision Support for Management of Hypertension 212

Opening the VA to Medicare Eligible Veterans? Impact on Veterans' Anticipated Use of the VA 84

Organizational and Physician Factors Associated With Physician Adherence to Smoking Cessation Guidelines 18

* Osteoporotic Fractures In Veterans: An Opportunity To Improve Care and Reduce Costs 253

* Outcomes after Initiating HAART in Older and Younger HIV-Infected Adults 280

* Outcomes of an Integrated Osteoporosis Education Program 282

Outcomes of Treatment for Early Prostate Cancer: I, Patient-Centered Measures of Quality of Life 62

Outcomes of Treatment for Early Prostate Cancer: II, Survivors' Perceptions of Treatment Complications and Quality of Life 39

Outpatient Utilization Among Veterans With Psychosis: Assessing the Impact of Accessibility Barriers 154

* Over Utilization of Health Care Resources for Low-Risk Patients with Acute, Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (UGIH): A Community- Based, Retrospective Cohort Study 216

* Over-Utilization of Health Care Resources for Low-Risk Patients with Acute, Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: A Historical Cohort Study 202

* Pain Management and Behavioral Outcomes in Patients with Dementia 174

Patient Attitudes Toward Computer Use by Providers During VA Clinic Visits 32

* Patient Characteristics Associated with Failure to Keep Mental Health Primary Care Appointments 199

Patient Factors Related to Poor Blood Pressure Control 56

* Patient Recruitment Challenges in a Behavioral Intervention Clinical Trial of Chronic Heart Failure Patients in the VA 181

Patient Satisfaction in a VA Hospital and Private Sector Hospitals: A Regional Market-Based Analysis 139

* Patient-Centered Alternative to Psychiatric Hospitalization for Veterans: Preliminary Findings 238

Patients' Willingness to Exchange Length of Life for Improved Quality of Life in HIV Infection. 78

* Peer Assisted Case Management: A Randomized Controlled Study 232

* Perceptions of Access to Medical Care among Elderly African-American and White Veterans Attending Primary Care Clinics 146

* Performance of VHA Primary Care Delivery Systems: Translating the IHI Idealized Clinical Practice Model to VA Practice 119

Pharmacy Waste, Cost and Health Care Utilization: a Pilot Study of Lansoprazole 226 Physical and Sexual Trauma Among Women Veterans: Effects on Physical and Mental Health 51

* Physician Record Keeping was Altered by Focused Profiling 286

* Pilot Study of the Suicide Assessment and Management Protocol for Primary Care (SAM-PC) 186

Polypharmacy Prescribing of Antipsychotic Medications among Thirteen Veterans Affairs Hospitals 68

Positive Life Adjustment: Prewar Influences and Hardiness in a Sample of Vietnam Veterans 52

Post Acute Stroke Guideline Compliance Leads to Greater Patient Satisfaction 156

* Predicting Costs of VA Health Care for Gulf War Veterans 242

Predictor Variables of Pharmacological Treatment of LDL-C in Veterans with Diabetes 67

* Predictors of Failure to Rescure from Postoperative Pneumonia in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery 162

Predictors of Remission at Five Years after Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment 112

* Predictors of VA Women's Health Clinic Development 177

Preoperative Cardiac Guidelines: Conflicting Recommendations 22

Prescription of Opioid Medications in VA Outpatient Care 126

Primary Care Alcohol-related Discussions with At-Risk Drinkers 57

Process of Care and Blood Pressure Management for Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes at Systematic Screening 19

Process of Care in Innovative and Traditional Treatments for Depression in VA Primary Care: Reallocating Resources 1

Profiling Clinical Research Coordinators for a Successful Clinical Research Trial 251 Quality of Dementia End-of-Life Care Across Care Settings 138

Quality of Hypertension Care in Diabetic Patients 137

* Quantification of Daily Activity Using a Triaxial Accelerometer: Process Outcomes in Pulmonary Rehabilitation 276

Race, Treatment and Survival of Veterans with Esophageal Cancer 2

Racial Differences in Health Beliefs Among VA Cardiac Patients 145

* Racial Differences in Health Care Use within a Brief Intervention Study to Reduce Drinking 187

* Racial Disparities in Diagnosis for Veterans with Psychosis 214

Racial Variation in the Provision of VA Dental Care: The Case of Root Canal Therapy 25

* Randomized Trial of Hearing Amplification Strategies 298

Rapid Evaluation of Low Risk Chest Pain Patients with Acute Myocardial Perfusion Imaging to Reduce Resource Utilization 225

* Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks and Equipment to Prevent Nursing Back Injuries 237

* Reducing Lower Back Injuries in VAMC Nursing Personnel 184

* Relative Utilization and Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Parkinson's Disease 209

Repeated Violence Against Women During Military Service: Effects on Health Status and Outpatient Medical Utilization 143

Resource Use and Length of Stay in ICU Patients in VA and Private Sector Hospitals 45

* Rhythmic Annual Changes in Cancer Biology Affect Epidemiologic Meaning, the Efficiency of Prevention, Screening and Treatment Strategies 222

Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Non-Traumatic Amputation in Peripheral Arterial Disease: Is Race/Ethnicity an Independent Factor 26

* Risk-Adjusted Postoperative Mortality and Pulmonary Complication Rates: Do They Correlate at the Hospital Level? 161

RNs Justifications for Euthanasia and Difficulties with Suicide 115

Rural Primary Care in VA: Variations in Scope of Practice, Staffing Patterns and Performance 102

* Rural Veteran Outreach 190

* Satisfaction Among Mentally Ill Residents of Board and Care: What Matters Most? 245

* Screening Efficacy of the PSA Test and Digital Rectal Exam in Reducing Prostate Cancer Mortality 195

Screening for PTSD in Female VA Patients: Validation of the PTSD Checklist 66

Selecting a Parsimonious Blood Glucose Monitoring Strategy for Insulin-treated Veterans with Type II Diabetes Mellitus 129

Service Connection for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Disability Benefits Depend on Race and Region but not on Gender 23

Service Utilization and Outcomes in Medically Ill Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression 74

* Service Utilization for a Severely Mentally-Ill, Substance-Abusing Population in the Department of Psychiatry at the Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center 250

* Sharing the Diagnosis of Dementia: What Family Members Know 185

* Should Atypical Neuroleptics be First Line Agents when Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Individuals with Schizophrenia and Cocaine Dependence 273

* Similarity of Information Conveyed by the ACG and DCG Case Mix Measures in Explaining Length of Stay 210

Smoking Cessation, Reduced Smoking, and Mortality Risk: Results from the Normative Aging Study 34

* Sorting VA Inpatients After Detoxification: Domiciliary or Discharge? 239

* Specific Activity Scale, A Predictor of Peak VO2 in Heart Failure 189

Stakeholder Preferences in Schizophrenia: Agreement within Consumer-Provider- Family Sets 147

* Strategies, Skills, and Social Contexts that Enhance or Disrupt Adherence to HAART 249 Stroke Guideline Adherence in Rehabilitation Settings Affects Functional Outcomes 155

* Structure and Process Variation in Implementation of a Multicenter Qualitative Research Project 194

Techniques of Data Weighting and Missing Value Imputation 11

* Telemedicine at VA Connecticut Health Care System: A Hands on Demonstration 305

* Telephone Triumph: using a Nurse-led Telephone Call Center to Improve the Coordination of Veterans Medical Care 243

* The Accuracy of Medical Record Documentation in Schizophrenia 191

The Association Between Hospitalization for Congestive Heart Failure and Use of Inhaled Beta-agonists 100

* The Association of Prior Alcohol Treatment with Severity and Readiness to Change At-risk Drinking among VA General Medical Patients 171

The Burden of Tobacco Use in the Veterans Health Administration 83

The Cost of all Inpatient and Outpatient Utilization in the VA: Understanding and using the Health Economics Resource Center's Average Cost 123

The Costs of Decentralized Human Subjects Review Boards: A Case Study from a Multi-site VA Research Project 73

The Critical Incident Technique and Health Services Research 118

The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA): Breaking the Barriers between Clinical and Facilities-based Services to Combat Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB) in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) 261

* The Ethical Problem of False Positives: A Comparison of Standardized Patients and the Medical Record 198

The Health Consequences of Access Problems Among VA and County Clinic Patients with Diabetes 5

The Impact of Income, Age, Health Status and Distance to VA Facilities on Medicare HMO Enrollment by Elderly VA Using and Non-using Veterans 151

The Impact of Mild to Moderate Renal Insufficiency Upon Risk-Adjusted Surgical Outcomes of Care 111

The Impact of Survey Non-response Bias on Conclusions Drawn from a Mammography Intervention Trial: Another Drawback of Self-reported Health Behavior Data 130

The Impact of Visual Impairment on the Health-Related Quality of Life of Veterans 42
The Influence of Health Status on Satisfaction among Veterans with Diabetes: Results from the VA Diabetes Quality Improvement Project 98

The Methods Used by the Health Economics Resource Center for Estimating VA Outpatient Health Care Costs 53

The Military Environment: Risk Factors for Women's Non-Fatal Physical Assaults 91 The National VA Psychosis Registry: Development and Uses 9

* The Relationship between Alcohol Screening Questionnaires and Mortality Among Male VA Outpatients 172

* The Relationship between Hostility and Behavioral Risk Factors for Poor Health in Women Veterans 178

The Relationship between MMPI-2 Validity and Award of Service Connection for PTSD during the Compensation and Pension Evaluation 50

* The Relationship between Telemedicine and Quality-of-Care, Quality-of-Life, Health Outcomes, and Resource Use 252

The Risk of Hypo- and Hyperglycemic Events in Insulin-treated, Type II Diabetic Veterans 85

* The Role of Psychiatric Nursing and Medication Adherence 230

* The Structure of Antiretroviral Medication Care at Four Outpatient VA Centers 205

* The Unreliability of Single-Item Scales: Implications for Clinical and Health Services Research 290

The Usefulness of Clinical Practice Guidelines: Views from the Foot Soliders 106

The VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI): The Nexus of Practice, Policy, and Science 7

* The Value and Implications of Research and Theory on Social Cognition and Interaction for Research and Intervention in Race/Ethnicity Inequities in Health Care 281

* The VA's Computerized Patient Record System and the Efficient Delivery of Inpatient Medications 182

The VHA as Safety Net 80

The Vitality Sub-scale in the SF-36 is an Important Health Indicator for the Elderly 117

Toward Gender-Aware VA Health Care: Existing Strengths and Areas for Improvement 101

* Toyota "Lean Thinking" combined with IHI "Reducing Waits and Delays" used to Re-engineer Primary Care 160

Transforming Self-Rated Health and the SF-36 Scales to Include Death and Improve Interpretability 65

* Treatment Utilization and Risk Adjustment in High Utilizers of Mental Health Care 294

* Two Variations of Recommended Alcohol Screening Questionnaires Did Not Improve Screening Accuracy in a VA General Medical Population 58

Understanding Nurses' Behaviors in Reporting Errors and Near Misses 71

* Understanding Team-based Quality Improvement for Depression in Primary Care 264

* Understanding the Concerns of Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer 217

* Use of Self-reported Race vs. VA Administrative Data on Race: Implications for Health Services Research Findings 55

* Use of the VISTA Vitals Package to Evaluate Pharmacological Treatment of Hypertension in Veterans With Diabetes 219

Using a National Drug Utilization Database to Support Outcomes Research in the Department of Veterans Affairs 8

* Using a Pharmacy-based Casemix Measure in the VA Population 235

* Using a Pharmacy-based Casemix Measure to Predict Mortality in the VA Population 268

* Using an Improvement Model to Reduce Adverse Drug Events in VA Facilities 284

* Using Automated Decision Support to Operationalize Clinical Practice Guidelines 300

Using Comparative Data Feedback to Improve ICU Nonsocomial Infection Rates 82

Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a Research Tool 122

* Using HEDIS to Measure Quality of Care in VA Primary Care: The Case of Antidepressant Medication Management 236

Using the Rx Risk as a Casemix Descriptor - Test-retest Reliability 46

Using The VA Decision Support System (DSS) National Extracts for Health Services Research 10

Utilization of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care Services by Veterans Receiving Publicly Funded Substance Abuse Services in Washington State 24

Utilization of VA Mental Health Services Among Hispanic Veterans In New Mexico 60

* Utilization of VA Services Among American Indian Veterans with Psychiatric Disorder in Minnesota 285

VA Enrollees' Health Insurance Coverage 95

VA Primary Care Patients Who Screen Positive for At-risk Drinking: the Relationship of Readiness to Change to Severity of Alcohol-related Problems 36

VA Utilization and Patient Insurance Coverage: Variation Across VISNs 15

* Validation of Casemix Measures Derived from Self-Reports of Diagnoses and Health 163 Value of Mental Health Screening in VA Primary Care Practice 88

Variation across VISNs in VA Enrollees' Reliance on VA Care 14

* Variation in Institutional Review Board Processes for Multicenter Focus Group Research 170

* Variation in Medication Management of Schizophrenia in Veterans Affairs Hospitals 223

* Variation in Performance Rates of Therapies for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in a Private Practice and a Veterans Affairs Clinic 183

* Variation in VA Dental Treatment: Dental Eligibility and VISN Affect Care 227

Variations in Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Prevalence among Women Veterans 70

* Variations in Tobacco Counseling Rates: Does the Organization of Primary Care Matter? 293

Veterans' Attitudes Toward Increased Non-Physician Provider Care in a Variety of Service Delivery Contexts and Some Associated Variables 49

Veterans who smoke: Do they want to quit and are we helping them? 35

VHA Facility Integration: Changes in Operational Effectiveness and Perceived Quality, 1993-1997 116

* VISN Managers' Perceptions of Service Line Management 255

What will $18 Billion buy in the Health Care Marketplace? 43

* When is Dyspnea Worthwhile? Essential Everyday Activities of Male Veterans with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 277

* Which Ambulatory Care Patients with Alcohol Disorders Receive Treatment? 244

Who Will Use VA in the Future? 13


Last Updated: 1/29/04