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Policy Topics

Policy Topic – 2008 Federal Audit Clearinghouse, (FAC) New Online Electronic Submission Requirements

Policy Topic – New Electronic Submission Process via Internet Data Entry System, (IDES)

  • The Federal Audit Clearinghouse now requires online electronic submission through the Internet Data Entry System, (IDES) for audit reports being submitted for FY 2008 and later.
  • 2008 Electronic Single Audit Submission Process [DOC-53KB]

Policy Topic - HHS Alert List

    Policy Topic – Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
  • 03. FFATA Presentation NGP October 2007 [PDF-42KB]
  • HHS Alert List
    Updated policy guidance on HHS Alert List/ Transmittal No.: OG AT 2008-2, Issued 02/06/08. This AT, suspends the Departmental Alert List

Policy Topic - Program Announcement Process

Policy Topic – IHS Grants Cycle

Policy Topic - Equipment

Policy Topic: Indirect Cost Policy/Practices

Policy Topic: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)