MRM Royalty-In-Kind Oil Sales Business Unit


Currently, MMS is selling more than 150,000 barrels/day of crude oil sourced from the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and approximately 6,500 barrels/day from the Pacific OCS. Of these volumes, approximately 50,000 barrels/day are sold to qualified small refiners under MRM’s Small Refiner Program. Our current royalty position of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico totals approximately 184,000 barrels/day.

Business Model:

MMS’s business strategies focus on the producing area in the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific OCS, rather than downstream regions.  MMS is a price taker, seeking fair market value as expressed in relation to published physical pricing indices in the production area.  MMS optimizes revenues through leveraging the government’s creditworthiness and large, ubiquitous volume position. However, MMS does not employ financial instruments to hedge or otherwise financially backstop physical transactions.

Oil Sources/Availability:

Current sales involve nine different types Gulf of Mexico crude oil - Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS), Heavy Louisiana Sweet (HLS), Eugene Island (EI), Bonito Sour (BS), Poseidon, Mars, Hoover Offshore Oil Pipeline System (HOOPS), Texas City, and Southern Green Canyon (SGC) - sold from more than 80 locations and flowing on more than 55 pipelines in the Gulf. In the Pacific, sales involve Santa Ynez crude oil from one large producing facility.

Sales Packages:

Crude oil is currently aggregated and packaged for sale at offshore producing meters or at major onshore market locations.  Each location can be supplied by multiple Federal leases.  Volumes sold are based on the government’s royalty share of production produced on the lease.  Bidders can make offers on each individual sales package.  Sales volumes for each package typically range from 100 to 6,000 barrels per day or more.

Pricing Options:

RIK crude oil is offered for sale with a variety of commercially based price indices available for each production area.  MMS prices its oil in the same manner as other producers.  Bids are accepted in relation to calendar NYMEX or published spot prices for barrels in the Gulf of Mexico.  MMS remains flexible and responsive to its oil purchasers’ requests and State partners’ preferences for consideration of alternative pricing options. 

Oil Delivery Points:

Points of delivery to crude oil purchasers are typically at the offshore production meters, major pipeline interconnections, or  onshore market centers.

Contract Terms

MMS strives to make the RIK oil program as commercial as possible.  MMS uses commercially based General terms and conditions for RIK crude oil purchases.  Contract terms and volume information specific to individual sales events are contained within bidding documents (Invitations for Offers, or IFOs).  Finally, transaction confirmations formalize prices accepted at bidding/sales events and other agreements negotiated within these sales events.

Length of Contract:

Sales contracts are typically for either 6-month or one-year periods.  MMS conducts monthly spot sales on some of the royalty oil and also considers longer-term contracts as well.  Recently, MMS  restructured its 6-month sales terms to stagger every 3 months to allow MMS to enter into the market four times each year instead of two.

Business Reputation:

MMS encourages potential new participants in its oil sales program to contact the more than 26 companies that have previously participated or are currently doing so. (Contacts are available upon request.)  MMS has earned a reputation for being a reliable, flexible, and strategically positioned business partner that is responsive to oil purchasers’ needs. 

Strategic Petroleum Reserve:

In his State of the Union message, President Bush announced his intention to increase the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) the world’s largest supply of emergency crude oil to 1.5 billion barrels by 2027. SPR oil is stored in huge underground salt caverns along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. At the present time, the reserve holds about 700 million barrels of crude oil. The Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Department of Energy work together to fill and maintain the SPR.  Oil from the RIK oil program is used to fill the reserve.

The Future:

The RIK oil sales program continues to seek out new marketing strategies and potential for revenue uplift.  It constantly reevaluates the sales program and make modifications when advantageous to maintain alignment with crude oil markets.  MMS is excited about new deepwater prospects coming online and the return of normal offshore crude oil production in the wake of the 2005 hurricane season. For questions, contact Mr. Jim Steward, acting Manager of the RIK Crude Oil Sales Business Unit, at 303-231-3715.