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Religious Politics in Iraq
December 17, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio video summary [Audio, Video and Summary Available]


Macedonia: The Way Forward
November 24, 2003 | An Address by Macedonian Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski


Fanning the Flames, Putting Out the Fire: Ethnic Conflict and the Peace Process
November 19, 2003 | A Plenary Session Sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
audio [Audio Available]


Rough Neighborhood: Catholic Perspectives on Peace and Reconciliation in the Great Lakes
November 12, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


An Ounce of Prevention: UNPREDEP's Legacy and The Future of Preventive Action
November 12, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Boundary Disputes in Latin America
October 23, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Separation and Security: Can Israel's Separation Barrier Help Stop the Violence?
October 22, 2003 | A Special Roundtable for Journalists with Zalman Shoval, former Israeli ambassador to the United States
audio [Audio Available]


Neighbors on Alert: Regional Views on Humanitarian Intervention from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America
October 14, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
summary [Summary Available]


Friend or Foe? China and India Look Toward the 21st Century
October 8, 2003 | Roundtable


War or Peace in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
October 7, 2003 | Roundtable
audio [Audio Available]


Child Soldiers
October 2, 2003 | A Special Film Screening Featuring United Nations Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas


Norway's Experience in Sri Lanka and Elsewhere: Lessons for Conflict Resolution
September 29, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing Featuring Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Vidar Helgesen


West Africa: Prospects for Peace
September 23, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing Featuring Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa
transcript [Event Summary]


The Power to Protect: Should It Be Exercised?
July 31, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio video transcript [Audio, Video and Summary Available]


Iraq: Securing the Peace
July 30, 2003 | An Institute Congressional Briefing
transcript [Event Summary]


African Constitutionalism and the Dilemmas of Self-Determination
July 24, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Francis Mading Deng
summary [Summary Available]


Macedonia: Will the Peace Hold?
July 1, 2003 | Roundtable
audio [Audio Available]


Global Terrorism After the Iraq War
June 26, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


A Special Address by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
June 25, 2003 | Public Meeting
audio audio video [Speech, Audio and Video Available]


Biosecurity: Assessing Strategies to Prevent the Misuse of Dangerous Pathogens
June 18, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Jonathan Tucker
audio [Audio Available]


The United States and Coercive Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future
June 17, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Event Summary]


Beyond the Radar Screen: Afghanistan's Civil War and the Rise of International Terrorism
June 12, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Roy Gutman
audio [Audio Available]


Countering Internal Conflicts: The Indian Experience
June 5, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Dipankar Banerjee
audio [Audio Available]


International Judges and Prosecutors in Post-Conflict Peacekeeping: Installing Imperialism or Eliminating Impunity?
May 29, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Michael Hartmann
audio [Audio Available]


Nation Building in Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan: Lessons in Endurance and Political Will
May 22, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Ray Jennings
audio [Audio Available]


Establishing Justice and the Rule of Law in Iraq: A Blueprint for Action
May 21, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio summary [Audio & Summary Available]


Religious Politics in Iraq
May 21, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio summary [Audio & Summary Available]


The U.S.-ROK Alliance at Fifty: Continuity, Change, and Implications for the Future
May 16, 2003 | A special one-day public conference co-hosted by the United Institute of Peace and the National Defense University
audio audio [Audio & Transcripts Available]


Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures
May 15, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
video audio audio [Video, Audio & Summary Available]


Post-War Iraq and Beyond: The UN's Role
May 14, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio video summary [Audio, Video and Summary Available]


Do Non-Nationalists Have a Future in Bosnia?
May 8, 2003 | Roundtable


Owning the Constitution: A Path to Peace?
April 30, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Vivien Hart
audio [Audio Available]


Youth in Violently Divided Societies
April 24, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by Marie Smyth
audio [Audio Available]


The Military and the Making of Foreign Policy
April 23, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio audio [Audio & Summary Available]


Colombia: Trip Report on Armed Conflict and Society
April 22, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing Co-sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Washington Office on Latin America
video audio audio [Video, Audio & Summary Available]


Post-War Iraq: The Immediate Imperatives
April 16, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
video audio audio [Video, Audio & Summary Available]


Danger In the Caucasus: The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict
April 16, 2003 | An Institute Workshop


Waging Peace: A Two-Part Discussion of Religion-Based Peacemaking
April 8 & 10, 2003 | A Special Roundtable Sponsored by the Washington National Cathedral and the United States Institute of Peace


The Role of Faith in Promoting Peace in the Middle East
April 1, 2003 | A Special Workshop Sponsored by the Faith & Politics Institute and the United States Institute of Peace


Chechnya's Referendum Towards Dialogue or Dead End?
March 25, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
[Event Summary]


Closing the Post-Conflict Reconstruction Gap
March 25, 2003 | Senior Fellow Project Report by LTC Garland "Winky" Williams
audio [Audio Available]


A Special Address by Rwandan President Paul Kagame: Current Prospects for Peace in the Great Lakes Region
March 6, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript audio [Audio and Transcript Available]


Prime Time Crime: The Media and the Balkan Wars
March 4, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
transcript audio [Audio and Summary Available] [Event Summary]


Making Economic Sanctions More Effective
February 26, 2003 | Roundtable


Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq
February 25, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio transcript [Audio & Summary Available]


Negotiating with Allies
February 13, 2003 | Roundtable


Sectarian Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Iraq
February 11, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio transcript [Audio and Summary Available] [Event Summary]


A Special Address by Ambassador of France to the United States Jean-David Levitte on Iraq
February 7, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
video audio transcript [Video, Audio & Transcript Available]


What Future for Mugabe's Zimbabwe?
Jan. 29, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio transcript [Audio and Summary Available] [Event Summary]


A Special Address by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage on Iraq
Jan. 21, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
video audio transcript [Video, Audio & Remarks Available]


Crises on the Korean Peninsula
Jan. 13, 2003 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available] transcript [Event Summary]


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