HAZUS-MH MR3 FAQs: Data and Databases

What are the units of data displayed in the inventory and results tables?

There is some variation depending on which inventory item you are reviewing. For the general building stock and EF, the units are as follows:

For the flood model, elevations and heights are always feet.

For additional information, see the HAZUS User's Manuals and guidance materials are available for download from the HAZUS Resources.

Need Additional Help?
Email: HAZUSGenHelp@nibs.org for general questions about HAZUS
HAZUSQuakeHelp@pbsj.com for Earthquake Model questions,
HAZUSWindHelp@ara.com for Hurricane Model questions, and
HAZUSFloodHelp@absconsulting.com for Flood Model questions.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Nov-2007 11:24:40 EST



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