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Export Import Bank of the United States




Environment | Environment Procedures and Guidelines

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Annex C

Lists of Pesticides, Chemicals and Substances Ineligible for Export Credit Insurance

The export of pesticides, chemicals and substances may be controlled under any of several U.S. statutory and regulatory programs, and under international convention and treaty.  Export-Import Bank considers the following ineligible for export credit insurance or financing:

Table 1:  List of banned and severely restricted pesticides under the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Program


  1. Aldrin 1
  2. Arsenic trioxide
  3. Asbestos, all forms (Interim)
  4. Benzene hexachloride[BHC]
  5. Binapacryl (Interim)
  6. 2,3,4,5-Bis(2-butylene)tetrahydro-2-furaldehyde [Repellent-11]
  7. Bromoxynil butyrate
  8. Cadmium compounds
  9. Calcium arsenate
  10. Captafol
  11. Carbofuran 1
  12. Carbon tetrachloride
  13. Chloranil
  14. Chlordane
  15. Chlordecone (kepone)
  16. Chlordimeform
  17. Chlorobenzilate
  18. Chloromethoxypropylmercuric acetate [CPMA]
  19. Copper arsenate
  20. Daminozide/alar 1
  21. DBCP
  22. DDT
  23. Dieldrin
  24. Dinoseband salts
  25. Di(phenylmercury)dodecenylsuccinate [PMDS]
  26. DNOC (Interim)
  27. 1,2-dibromoethane ethylene dibromide - EDB)
  28. Ethylene dichloride (EDC) (Interim)
  29. Ethylene oxide (ETO) (Interim) agricultural uses only
  30. Endrin
  31. EPN
  32. Ethyl hexyleneglycol [6-12] 1


  1. Fluoroacetamide
  2. Heptachlor
  3. Hexachlorobenzene [HCB]
  4. Lead arsenate
  5. Leptophos
  6. Lindane
  7. Mercury compounds (mercurous chloride and mercuric chloride)
  8. Methamidophos
  9. Methyl parathion
  10. Mevinphos
  11. Mirex
  12. Monocrotophos
  13. Nitrofen (TOK)
  14. OMPA (octamethylpyrophosphoramide)
  15. Parathion (ethyl)
  16. Pentachlorophenol 2
  17. Phenylmercury acetate [PMA]
  18. Phenylmercuric oleate [PMO]
  19. Phosphamidon
  20. Potassium 2,4,5-trichlorophenate [2,4,5-TCP]
  21. Pyriminil [Vacor]
  22. Safrole
  23. Silvex
  24. Sodium arsenate1
  25. Sodium arsenite
  26. TDE
  27. Terpene polychlorinates [Strobane]
  28. Thallium sulfate
  29. Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene) (Interim)
  30. Tributyltin compounds1
  31. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2,4,5-T]
  32. Vinyl chloride

1  Severely Restricted.
Pentachlorophenol is still registered for use in the U.S. as a wood preservative.


Table 2: Exclusion List of industrial and consumer chemicals under the Montreal Protocol and other conventions


  1. CFC - 11
  2. CFC - 12
  3. CFC - 13
  4. CFC - 111
  5. CFC - 112
  6. CFC - 113
  7. CFC - 114
  8. CFC - 115
  9. CFC - 211
  10. CFC - 212
  11. CFC - 213
  12. CFC - 214
  13. CFC - 215
  14. CFC - 216
  15. CFC - 217


  1. Halon 1211
  2. Halon 1301
  3. Halon 2402
  4. Carbon tetrachloride
  5. Methyl chloroform
  6. Isomers of chemicals 1-20, other than 1,1,2-trichloroethane
  7. Polychlorinated biphenyls
  8. 1-chloro-2-bromoethane
  9. Hexamethylphosphoramide
  10. Methyl n-butyl ketone
  11. Pentachloroethane
  12. Urethane
  13. Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate
  14. Polybrominated biphenyls
  15. Asbestos

Updated: August 22, 2008




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