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The MSC is the official government distribution center for digital and paper flood hazard mapping products created by FEMA in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Here you can view all current flood maps (Flood Insurance Rate Maps) effective for the entire U.S. and its Territories. You can also create a FIRMette, which is a copy of these maps that will fit on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper. FIRMettes have the same legal status as the normal size maps and can be used for all aspects of the NFIP, including floodplain management, flood insurance, and enforcement of mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements.
In addition to viewing flood maps and creating FIRMettes, the MSC website allows you to view:
The website also provides help pages that can aid you in:
All of this can be done free of charge!
In addition, Individuals, businesses and professionals can purchase flood maps and other products in paper format, on CD/DVD, or as a digital download, including:
(Note: Not all products are available in all media types)
FEMA is currently working on updating flood risk identification using state of the art technology and through partnerships with communities, through the Map Modernization initiative. The map products of this effort are called Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs). As is the case with all Flood Insurance Rate Maps, these new DFIRMS are used to calculate the cost of insurance premiums, to establish flood risk zones and base flood elevations to mitigate against potential future flood damages to properties. Insurable buildings located in high-risk areas, called Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), secured by a Federally backed loans, are required to purchase flood insurance.
Read more about the National Flood Insurance Program, flood hazard mapping, and floodplain management.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-May-2008 14:24:51 EDT