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Persident Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
Gerald R. Ford Museum Permanent Exhibits

Permanent Exhibits
1970s Gallery
Constitution in Crisis
Young Jerry Ford
At Work in the Oval Office
Leadership in Diplomacy
Cabinet Room
Ford Burial Site
Temporary Exhibits
Volunteer at the Museum
Teacher's page
About the Museum

Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  
Young Jerry Ford

After experiencing the mood and climate of the 1970s, visitors journey farther back in time to Ford's early days -- from his formative years through his congressional service -- in a re-creation of his father's paint and varnish company.

This display portrays Ford as a man of decency and integrity, highlighting the important role his Grand Rapids upbringing played in developing this future leader. Visitors also see Gerald Ford as the nation first came to know him, through a re-creation of his vice-presidential confirmation hearings.
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