How the Online Fire Map Works THE ONLINE MAP is located on the Colorado Springs Fire Department's Firewise Web site at The map provides homeowners with a wildfire risk rating of individual properties and overall scores for their neighborhoods. To find their wildfire risk level, homeowners simply click on the "What Is My Wildfire Hazard Rating?" icon and then click on the search button to enter their street number. Abbreviations are not necessary. The search can be easily accomplished by typing in the street number followed by a space and the first letter of the street name. From the list of matching records, homeowners select their address or enter by clicking directly on the city map in the area close to their neighborhood. Specific parcels are located by using the zoom-in feature. Houses are rated red, orange, yellow or green. Green indicates the lowest hazard rating, and risk increases as the colors progressively get closer to red. Information to assist homeowners reduce their wildfire risk is available by clicking on the "Improve Your Hazard Rating" icon from any page. Vegetation management techniques are also provided on the site. When recommended mitigation improvements are completed, homeowners may schedule a new evaluation. On the Firewise homepage listed above, homeowners can click on "Contact Us" or "Receive a New Rating" to find out how their ratings can be upgraded on the map.