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House Committee on Energy and Commerce: Hearings - 108th Congress

  • Serial No. 108-1 -- The Do Not Call List Authorization, January 8, 2003 - TEXT 130K | PDF 58K
  • Serial No. 108-2 -- Assessing the Need to Enact Medical Liability Reform, February 27, 2003 - TEXT 470K | PDF 5.8M
  • Serial No. 108-3 -- Health of the Telecommunication Sector: A Perspective from Investors and Economists, February 5, 2003 - TEXT 231K | PDF 569K
  • Serial No. 108-4 -- The Medical Liability Insurance Crisis: A Review of the Situation in Pennsylvania, February 10, 2003 - TEXT 530K | PDF 5.3M
  • Serial No. 108-5 -- Does the U.S. Olympic Committee's Organizational Structure Impede Its Mission?, March 19, 2003 - TEXT 215K | PDF 199K
  • Serial No. 108-6 -- Health of the Telecommunications Sector: A Perspective from the Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission, February 26, 2003 - TEXT 401K | PDF 346K
  • Serial No. 108-7 -- Comprehensive National Energy Policy, March 5, 12 and 13, 2003 - TEXT 1.7M | PDF 3M
  • Serial No. 108-8 -- A Review of the Administration FY2004 Health Care Priorities, February 12, 2003 - TEXT 323K | PDF 238K
  • Serial No. 108-9 -- South Florida's Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs: Costs and Benefits of Alternative Solutions, March 10, 2003 - TEXT 310K | PDF 281K
  • Serial No. 108-10 -- HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria: Combating a Global Pandemic, March 20, 2003 - TEXT 243K | PDF 228K
  • Serial No. 108-11 -- Furthering Public Health Security: Project BioShield, March 27, 2003 - TEXT 474K | PDF 386K
  • Serial No. 108-12 -- The Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act, March 25, 2003 - TEXT 173K | PDF 176K
  • Serial No. 108-13 -- Investigation of Management Problems at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Febuary 26 and March 12, 2003 - TEXT 804K | PDF 50M
  • Serial No. 108-14 -- Review of the University of California's Management Contract for Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 1, 2003 - TEXT 326K | PDF 10.9M
  • Serial No. 108-15 -- Travel and Tourism in America Today, April 30, 2003 - TEXT 178K | PDF 3.7M
  • Serial No. 108-16 -- The Effectiveness of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Programs, March 5, 2003 - TEXT 141K | PDF 270K
  • Serial No. 108-17 -- A Review of FASB Action Post-Enron and Worldcom, March 4, 2003 - TEXT 170K | PDF 409K
  • Serial No. 108-18 -- The United Nations Oil for Food Program, May 14, 2003 - TEXT 161K | PDF 227K
  • Serial No. 108-19 -- Trade in Services and E-Commerce: The Significance of the Singapore and Chile Free Trade Agreements, May 8, 2003 - TEXT 351K | PDF 227K
  • Serial No. 108-20 -- SARS: Assessment, Outlook, and Lessons Learned, May 7, 2003 - TEXT 520K | PDF 135K
  • Serial No. 108-21 -- The Hydrogen Energy Economy, May 20, 2003 - TEXT 358K | PDF 1.1M
  • Serial No. 108-22 -- Strengthening and Improving Medicare, April 9, 2003 - TEXT 263K | PDF 651K
  • Serial No. 108-23 -- The National Institutes of Health:  Decoding Our Federal Investment in Genomic Research, May 22, 2003 - TEXT 185K | PDF 321K
  • Serial No. 108-24 -- Medicaid Today: The States' Perspective, March 12, 2003 - TEXT 316K | PDF 2.3M
  • Serial No. 108-25 -- Designing a Twenty-First Century Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, April 8, 2003 - TEXT 256K | PDF 1.3M
  • Serial No. 108-26 -- Natural Gas Supply and Demand Issues, June 10, 2003 - TEXT 415K | PDF 1M
  • Serial No. 108-27 -- Wireless E-911 Implementation: Progress and Remaining Hurdles, June 4, 2003 - TEXT 281K | PDF 462K
  • Serial No. 108-28 -- Consumer Directed Services: Improving Medicaid Beneficiaries' Access to Quality Care, June 5, 2003 - TEXT 288K | PDF 386K
  • Serial No. 108-29 -- A System Overwhelmed: The Avalanche of Imported, Counterfeit, and Unapproved Drugs into the U.S., June 24, 2003 - TEXT 351K | PDF 1M
  • Serial No. 108-30 -- Reauthorization of the Federal Trade Commission: Positioning the Commission for the Twenty-First Century, June 11, 2003 - TEXT 288K | PDF 491K
  • Serial No. 108-31 -- Can Tobacco Cure Smoking? A Review of Tobacco Harm Reduction, June 3, 2003 - TEXT 673K | PDF 11M
  • Serial No. 108-32 -- Future Options for Generation of Electricity from Coal, June 24, 2003 - TEXT 458K | PDF 770K
  • Serial No. 108-33 -- Hearing on H.R. 382, H.R. 411, and H.R. 1730, June 23, 2003 - TEXT 488K | PDF 1.8M
  • Serial No. 108-34 -- The Spectrum Needs of Our Nation's First Responders, June 11, 2003 - TEXT 405K | PDF 1M
  • Serial No. 108-35 -- Legislative Efforts to Combat Spam, July 9, 2003 - TEXT 335K | PDF 649K
  • Serial No. 108-36 -- Assessing Initiatives to Increase Organ Donations, June 3, 2003 - TEXT 334K | PDF 571K
  • Serial No. 108-37 -- FASB Derivative Accounting Standards, July 22, 2003 - TEXT 188K | PDF 889K
  • Serial No. 108-38 -- NIH: Moving Research from the Bench to the Bedside, July 10, 2003 - TEXT 326K | PDF 543K
  • Serial No. 108-39 -- Legislative Efforts to Reform the U.S. Olympic Committee, July 16, 2003 - TEXT 206K | PDF 368K
  • Serial No. 108-40 -- The Regulatory Status of Broadband Services: Information Services, Common Carriage, or Something in Between?, July 21, 2003 - TEXT 401K | PDF 2.2M
  • Serial No. 108-41 -- Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act, September 12, 2003 - TEXT 255K | PDF 5M
  • Serial No. 108-42 -- A Review of Department of Energy's Radioactive High-Level Waste Cleanup Programs, July 17, 2003 - TEXT 200K | PDF 1.2M
  • Serial No. 108-43 -- Issues Relating to Ephedra-Containing Dietary Supplements, July 23 and 24, 2003 - TEXT 812K | PDF 3.5M
  • Serial No. 108-44 -- The Health Insurance Certificate Act of 2003, July 17, 2003 - TEXT 320K | PDF 532K
  • Serial No. 108-45 -- The International Consumer Protection Act of 2003, July 17, 2003 - TEXT 170K | PDF 654K
  • Serial No. 108-46 -- Database and Collections of Information Misappropriations, September 23, 2003 - TEXT 3K | PDF 3.6M
  • Serial No. 108-47 -- E-911 Implementation Act of 2003, September 11, 2003 - TEXT 193K | PDF 331K
  • Serial No. 108-48 -- Freddie Mac: Accounting Standards Issues Raised in the Doty Report, September 25, 2003 - TEXT 119K | PDF 232K
  • Serial No. 108-49 -- The Future of Universal Service, September 24, 2003 - TEXT 406K | PDF 3.1M
  • Serial No. 108-50 -- Digital Dividends and Other Proposals to Leverage Investment in Technology, November 19, 2003 - TEXT 148K | PDF 277K
  • Serial No. 108-51 -- E-Commerce: The Case of Online Wine Sales and Direct Shipment, October 30, 2003 - TEXT 211K | PDF 2.6M
  • Serial No. 108-52 -- Cybersecurity and Consumer Data: What's at Risk for the Consumer?, November 19, 2003 - TEXT 301K | PDF 714K
  • Serial No. 108-53 -- The Financial Collapse of Healthsouth Part 1, October 16, 2003 - TEXT 344K | PDF 1.8M
  • Serial No. 108-54 -- Blackout 2003: How did it Happen and Why?, October 16, 2003 - TEXT 1.3M | PDF 3.3M
  • Serial No. 108-55 -- The Status of Methyl Bromide under the Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol, June 3, 2003 - TEXT 377K | PDF 632K
  • Serial No. 108-56 -- Managing Biomedical Research to Prevent and Cure Disease in the 21st Century: Matching NIH Policy with Science, October 2, 2003 - TEXT 276K | PDF 10.9M
  • Serial No. 108-57 -- Evaluating Coordination of Care in Medicaid: Improving Quality and Clinical Outcomes, October 15, 2003 - TEXT 302K | PDF 506K
  • Serial No. 108-58 -- Challenges Facing the Medicaid Program in the 21st Century, October 8, 2003 - TEXT 322K | PDF 8.6M
  • Serial No. 108-59 -- The Financial Collapse of Healthsouth Part 2, November 5, 2003 - TEXT 530K | PDF 26M
  • Serial No. 108-60 -- Identity Theft: Assessing the Problem and Efforts to Combat it, December 15, 2003 - TEXT 279K | PDF 489K
  • Serial No. 108-61 -- Air Quality Issues in the Coachella Valley, January 12, 2003 - TEXT 235K | PDF 1.8M
  • Serial No. 108-62 -- “Bump-Up” Policy Under Title I of the Clean Air Act, July 22, 2003 - TEXT 408K | PDF 5M
  • Serial No. 108-63 -- The Current State of Competition in the Communications Marketplace, February 4, 2004 - TEXT 193K | PDF 365K
  • Serial No. 108-64 -- College Recruiting: Are Student Athletes Being Protected?, March 11, 2004 - TEXT 259K | PDF 744K
  • Serial No. 108-65 -- The Clear Skies Initiative: A Multipollutant Approach to the Clean Air Act, July 8, 2003 - TEXT 214K | PDF 4.4M
  • Serial No. 108-66 -- Computer Viruses: The Disease, the Detection, and the Prescription for Protection, November 6, 2003 - TEXT 216K | PDF 857K
  • Serial No. 108-67 -- "Can You Say That on TV?": An Examination of the FCC's Enforcement with Respect to Broadcast Indecency, January 28, 2004 - TEXT 333K | PDF 2M
  • Serial No. 108-68 -- The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004, February 11 & 26, 2004 - TEXT 915K | PDF 1.8M
  • Serial No. 108-69 -- NIH: Re-Engineering Clinical Research, March 25, 2004 - TEXT 205K | PDF 364K
  • Serial No. 108-70 -- A Review of the Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Project, and Proposed Legislation to Alter the Nuclear Waste Trust Fund, March 25, 2004 - TEXT 329K | PDF 608K
  • Serial No. 108-71 -- Reauthorization of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, March 18, 2004 - TEXT 404K | PDF 6M
  • Serial No. 108-72 -- H.R. 2771, to Amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to Reauthorize the New York City Watershed Protection Program, April 2, 2004 - TEXT 162K | PDF 1.6M
  • Serial No. 108-73 -- Prescription Drug Monitoring: Strategies to Promote Treatment and Deter Prescription Drug Use, March 4, 2004 - TEXT 213K | PDF 1.1M
  • Serial No. 108-74 -- U.S.-China Trade: Preparations for the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, March 31, 2004 - TEXT 340K | PDF 575K
  • Serial No. 108-75 -- Oversight of the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act, March 10, 2004 - TEXT 335K | PDF 2.6M
  • Serial No. 108-76 -- Inter-Governmental Transfers: Violations of the Federal-State Medicaid Partnership or Legitimate State Budget Tool?, March 18 & April 1, 2004 - TEXT 405K | PDF 704K
  • Serial No. 108-77 -- The Ultra Deepwater Research and Development: What are The Benefits?, April 29, 2004 - TEXT 135K | PDF 3.5M
  • Serial No. 108-78 -- The Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Reauthorization Act of 2004, April 1, 2004 - TEXT 263K | PDF 496K
  • Serial No. 108-79 -- The State of U.S. Industry, March 24, 2004 - TEXT 91K | PDF 4.6M
  • Serial No. 108-80 -- FY 2005 Budget Priorities for the Department of Energy, April 1, 2004 - TEXT 316K | PDF 860K
  • Serial No. 108-81 -- EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge, May 20, 2004 - TEXT 104K | PDF 212K
  • Serial No. 108-82 -- Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Status Report, May 5, 2004 - TEXT 235K | PDF 417K
  • Serial No. 108-83 -- Regional Energy Reliability and Security: DOE Authority to Energize the Cross Sound Cable, May 19, 2004 - TEXT 301K | PDF 672K
  • Serial No. 108-84 -- The "Dot Kids" Internet Domain: Protecting Children Online, May 6, 2004 - TEXT 164K | PDF 305K
  • Serial No. 108-85 -- Competition in the Communications Marketplace: How Convergence Is Blurring the Lines Between Voice, Video, and Data Services, May 19, 2004 - TEXT 156K | PDF 293K
  • Serial No. 108-86 -- Advancing the DTV Transition: An Examination of the FCC Media Bureau Proposal, June 2, 2004 - TEXT 317K | PDF 529K
  • Serial No. 108-87 -- The Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2004, June 15, 2004 - TEXT 145K | PDF 275K
  • Serial No. 108-88 -- NIH Ethics Concerns: Consulting Arrangements and Outside Awards, May 12, May 18 & June 22, 2004 - TEXT 1M | PDF 25M
  • Serial No. 108-89 -- Spyware: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You, April 29, 2004 - TEXT 274K | PDF 918K
  • Serial No. 108-90 -- Online Pornography: Closing the Door on Pervasive Smut, May 6, 2004 - TEXT 332K | PDF 635K
  • Serial No. 108-91 -- Supporting Our Intercollegiate Student-Athletes: Proposed NCAA Reforms, May 18, 2004 - TEXT 135K | PDF 1.8M
  • Serial No. 108-92 -- Problems with the E-Rate Program: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Concerns in the Wiring of Our Nation's Schools to the Internet Part 1, June 17, 2004 - TEXT 435K | PDF 10.0M
  • Serial No. 108-93 -- Parents Be Aware: Health Concerns about Dietary Supplements for Overweight Children, June 16, 2004 - TEXT 352K | PDF 22.5M
  • Serial No. 108-94 -- Assessing Digestive Diseases Research and Treatment Opportunities, July 8, 2004 - TEXT 145K | PDF 267K
  • Serial No. 108-95 -- Physician Fee Schedule: A Review of the Current Medicare Payment System, May 5, 2004 - TEXT 256K | PDF 589K
  • Serial No. 108-96 -- Travel and Tourism and Homeland Security: Improving Both without Sacrificing Either, June 23, 2004 - TEXT 304K | PDF 504K
  • Serial No. 108-97 -- Tapped Out? Lead in the District of Columbia and the Providing of Safe Drinking Water, July 22, 2004 - TEXT 591K | PDF 1.5M
  • Serial No. 108-98 -- Protecting Homeland Security; A Status Report on Interoperability Between Public Safety Communications Systems, June 23, 2004 - TEXT 231K | PDF 594K
  • Serial No. 108-99 -- FASB Proposals on Stock Option Expensing, July 8, 2004 - TEXT 280K | PDF 54.7M
  • Serial No. 108-100 -- A Review of the Administration's FY2005 Health Care Priorities, March 10, 2004 - TEXT 235K | PDF 435K
  • Serial No. 108-101 -- The Digital Television Transition: What we can Learn from Berlin, July 21, 2004 - TEXT 252K | PDF 2.8M
  • Serial No. 108-102 -- The Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2004, May 11, 2004 - TEXT 149K | PDF 277K
  • Serial No. 108-103 -- Problems with the E-Rate Program: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Concerns in the Wiring of Our Nation's Schools to the Internet Part 2, July 22, 2004 - TEXT 314K | PDF 16.6M
  • Serial No. 108-104 -- VOIP Services: Will the Technology Disrupt the Industry or will Regulation Disrupt the Technology?, July 7, 2004 - TEXT 396K | PDF 3M
  • Serial No. 108-105 -- Freddie Mac's Accounting Restatement: Are Accounting Standards Working?, January 28, 2004 - TEXT 161K | PDF 562K
  • Serial No. 108-106 -- United Nations Oil for Food Program, July 8, 2004 - TEXT 244K | PDF 617K
  • Serial No. 108-107 -- A Review of Hospital Billing and Collections Practices, June 24, 2004 - TEXT 600K | PDF 64M
  • Serial No. 108-108 -- RFID Technology: What the Future Holds for Commerce, Security, and the Consumer, July 14, 2004 - TEXT 282K | PDF 483K
  • Serial No. 108-109 -- The Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2003, May 12, 2004 - TEXT 498K | PDF 3.7M
  • Serial No. 108-110 -- Competition and Consumer Choice in the MVPD Marketplace, Including an Examination of Proposals to Expand Consumer Choice, Such as A La Carte and Theme-Tiered Offerings, July 14, 2004 - TEXT 378K | PDF 6.1M
  • Serial No. 108-111 -- Pipeline Safety, July 20, 2004 - TEXT 383K | PDF 1.6M
  • Serial No. 108-112 -- POPS, PIC, and LRTAP: The Role of the U.S. and Draft Legislation to Implement these International Conventions, July 13, 2004 - TEXT 573K | PDF 935K
  • Serial No. 108-113 -- The Status of the U.S. Refining Industry, July 15, 2004 - TEXT 498K | PDF 5.2M
  • Serial No. 108-114 -- Implementation of the Food Security Provisions of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, June 25, 2004 - TEXT 264K | PDF 1.2M
  • Serial No. 108-115 -- Law Enforcement Access to Communication Systems in the Digital Age, September 8, 2004 - TEXT 244K | PDF 423K
  • Serial No. 108-116 -- The Effect of Television Violence on Children: What Policymakers Need to Know, September 13, 2004 - TEXT 154K | PDF 282K
  • Serial No. 108-117 -- Keeping Seniors Healthy: New Perspective Benefits in the Medicare Modernization Act, September 21, 2004 - TEXT 151K | PDF 2.7M
  • Serial No. 108-118 -- Methyl Bromide: Update on Achieving the Requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol, July 21, 2004 - TEXT 347K | PDF 686K
  • Serial No. 108-119 -- Current Environmental Issues Affecting the Readiness of the Department of Defense, April 21, 2004 - TEXT 596K | PDF 2.2M
  • Serial No. 108-120 -- Repairing the 21st Century Car: Is Technology Locking the Consumer Out?, September 22, 2004 - TEXT 219K | PDF 14.7M
  • Serial No. 108-121 -- Publication and Disclosure Issues in Antidepressant Pediatric Clinical Trials, September 9, 2004 - TEXT 561K | PDF 25M
  • Serial No. 108-122 -- An Examination of Wireless Directory Assistance Policies and Programs, September 29, 2004 - TEXT 148K | PDF 2.3M
  • Serial No. 108-123 -- Controlling Bioterror: Assessing Our Nation's Drinking Water Security, September 30, 2004 - TEXT 166K | PDF 2M
  • Serial No. 108-124 -- Problems with the E-Rate Program: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Concerns in the Wiring of Our Nation's Schools to the Internet - Part 3, September 22, 2004 - TEXT 571K | PDF 22.8M
  • Serial No. 108-125 -- FDA's Role in Protecting the Public Health: Examining FDA's Review of Safety and Efficacy Concerns in Anti-Depressant Use by Children, September 23, 2004 - TEXT 415K | PDF 21.8M
  • Serial No. 108-126 -- Medicaid Prescription Drug Reimbursement: Why the Government Pays too Much, December 7, 2004 - TEXT 427K | PDF 22.3M
  • Serial No. 108-127 -- Examining Professional Boxing: Are Further Reforms Needed?, September 9, 2004 - TEXT 207K | PDF 374
  • Serial No. 108-128 -- Protecting the Privacy of Consumers' Social Security Numbers, September 28, 2004 - TEXT 285K | PDF 491K
  • Serial No. 108-129 -- Child Product Safety: Do Current Standards Provide Enough Protection?, October 6, 2004 - TEXT 254K | PDF 440
  • Serial No. 108-131 -- Scientific Opportunities and Public Needs: Balancing NIH's Priority Setting Process, June 2, 2004 - TEXT 150K | PDF 1.6M
  • Serial No. 108-130 -- Medicare Prescription Drug Discount Cards: Immediate Savings for Seniors, May 20, 2004 - TEXT 405K | PDF 2.4M
  • Serial No. 108-132 -- Health Information Technology: Improving Quality and Value of Patient Care, July 22, 2004 - TEXT 277K | PDF 509K
  • Serial No. 108-133 -- Improving Women's Health: Understanding Depression After Pregnancy, September 29, 2004 - TEXT 277K | PDF 641K
  • Serial No. 108-134 -- Flu Vaccine: Protecting High-Risk Individuals tnd Strengthening the Market, November 18, 2004 - TEXT 408K | PDF 1.3M