United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Report on the Work of the Hepatitis C Resource Center Program 2002 - 2004

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to share with you this two-year progress report of the Hepatitis C Resource Center (HCRC) program. The HCRC program was created to take advantage of the expertise and experience of field-based personnel to improve the quality of hepatitis C care throughout the VA system. From its inception, the HCRC has provided clinical leadership and high-quality services, products, and programs to the entire VA health care system in the areas of patient and clinician education, clinical care delivery, disease prevention and program evaluation.

The HCRC program is comprised of four separate centers located in the Northwest (Seattle/Portland), Minneapolis, San Francisco and West Haven. The attached summary outlines the combined work and products, both completed and in-progress, of the centers since January 2002. These products represent a variety of educational materials and programs and clinical tools designed for health care providers and their patients in the treatment and care of hepatitis C.

I would like to express my gratitude to the four HCRC program directors, Dr. Jason Dominitz, Dr. Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, Dr. Samuel Ho and Dr. Teresa Wright and their staffs for their hard work and commitment to the program. Additionally, I would like to personally thank my extremely dedicated program staff, as well as my Washington, DC-based colleagues in the Public Health Strategic Health Care Group, for their collaboration and continued support.

As always, I invite and encourage you to contact our office if we may provide you with additional information or if you wish to share your comments. Also, please visit us on the Internet at www.hepatitis.va.gov.

HCRC Program Report: 2002-2004 [829K]