Do You Know The Difference? Snakeheads and Native Fishes

2004 Snakehead Fish Capture Sites Map (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions About Snakehead Fish




Snakehead Fish Information

2004 Snakehead Fish Capture Sites (updated 10/01/04)Do You Know the Difference?
A Guide to Identifying Snakeheads and Native Fishes

If you think you've caught a snakehead...

Anglers who think they may have caught a snakehead fish are asked NOT to release it, but to call the Department's in-state toll-free, 24-hour Snakehead Fish Hotline at 1-800-770-4951 (out-of-state callers should call directly to 804-367-1258) for a positive identification of the fish. Use the "Do You Know The Difference?" fact sheet to learn how to identify a snakehead fish and how to distinguish one from the native species of bowfin and American eel.

If you still have a snakehead...

Anyone with a snakehead fish should call 1-800-770-4951 immediately to ensure compliance with state laws and regulations. Our goal is to achieve voluntary compliance with the law for the protection of our natural resources.

More Information


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