The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers
American Women Symposium

Image of Sheila KirschbaumImage of Sheli TurocySheila Kirschbaum
Sheli Turocy

View Webcast (19 minutes - requires RealPlayer to view)

Friday, June 20, 2003
3:45 pm - 4:10 pm

Historical Performance: Women and Labor

Sheila Kirschbaum is the school liaison and professional development coordinator and Sheli Turocy is a museum teacher and project assistant at the Tsongas Industrial History Center in Lowell, Massachusetts. Kirschbaum has more than twenty-two years of teaching experience as a high school and college teacher, a former museum teacher, and a teacher professional development presenter at the Tsongas Center, where she has collaborated on several history curriculum packets using primary source documents. She has chaired the Lowell Conference on Women's History for the past four years. Sheli Turocy has also had a long career as an educator, including as a teacher of primary and middle school students and as a presenter of teacher workshops. She is currently collaborating on the development and marketing of an in-school history program using costumed role play and artifact analysis, and on a primary-source curriculum packet. She is also one of the organizers of the Lowell Conference on Women's History.

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  The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers
  November 18, 2003
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