
Table Builder: Create a data table

This section contains a selection of WebCASPAR data sources. You can select one or more to use as the basis for your table. Click on the checkboxes next to the data sources (e.g., NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates/Doctorate Records File) to select the data sources of interest, then click on Select Data Source(s) to continue to the Modify Analysis Variables screen. From there you will begin making the other selections for your data table.

Saved Tables: View predefined tables and tables that you have saved

Frequently Requested Tables:

The Frequently Requested Tables pulldown box contains a selection of predefined data tables. Select one of the tables from the list and click on View to see the formatted table.

Your Saved Tables:

If you are logged in as a registered user, the Your Saved Tables pulldown box will display a list of the data tables previously saved under your user ID and password. Select one of the tables from the list and click on View to see the formatted table.