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Data Source:   IPEDS Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits Survey
The Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) that is conducted by the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) which is conducted by the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Patricia Q. Brown
Postsecondary Institutional Studies Program-PSD
National Center for Education Statistics

Source data and documentation for recent years are available at the NCES World Wide Web site:
Data are available for academic years (AY) 1971-73, 1975-83, 1985, 1986, and 1990-99. AY 1999 is defined as the academic year that ends in 1999.
Data were not collected in AY 1987 and AY 1989; the data released by NCES for AY 1988 were deemed unusable and are not available in WebCASPAR.
Data were not collected by gender for academic year 1971.
Tenure data were not collected prior to academic year 1975.
The number of nontenured faculty on tenure track and not on tenure track is not available until academic year 1990.
Current As Of
Data are current as of July 2002.
When data were estimated for nonresponding institutions, the number of faculty and number of tenured faculty were generally estimated. However, in some years after AY 1986, the number of faculty, but not the number of tenured faculty, were imputed for nonresponding institutions.
Beginning with 1996 data, the NCES has changed the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which data are generally reported. Previous reports were concerned primarily with enrollment in postsecondary institutions that were accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education (ED). Current NCES publications subset the postsecondary institutional universe on the basis of the degree-granting status (information that is available directly from IPEDS) as well as eligibility for Title IV federal financial aid (based on a list of eligible institutions maintained by ED's Office of Postsecondary Education).

Please pay close attention to the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which NCES data are reported when comparing NCES data to WebCASPAR data.

For years prior to 1996, the NCES and NSF populations of institutions are the same.

Beginning with 1996 data, the NCES has changed the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which data are generally reported. Previous reports were concerned primarily with enrollment in postsecondary institutions that were accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education (ED). Current NCES publications subset the postsecondary institutional universe on the basis of the degree-granting status (information that is available directly from IPEDS) as well as eligibility for Title IV federal financial aid (based on a list of eligible institutions maintained by ED's Office of Postsecondary Education).

Please pay close attention to the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which NCES data are reported when comparing NCES data to WebCASPAR data.

Quality Control
No NCES published data were available for academic year (AY) 1971.
These data have been checked and verified to correspond to data in the following NCES publication:
"Salaries and Tenure of Full-Time Instructional Faculty on 9- and 10-Month Contracts 1998-99"
Data for earlier years were checked and verified to correspond to data in similar NCES tables.
In most years, data released by NCES were subject to suppression, but had to be compared with NCES unsuppressed published data. In general, in years with suppressed data, data for smaller groups of faculty, such as female faculty with 12-month contracts. Most quality control checking was done at the highest possible level of aggregation, with spot checks made at lower levels of detail.
NCES published data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia is unsuppressed and therefore, may not match WebCASPAR data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia which is subject to suppression. In addition, NCES data may not match WebCASPAR data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia, because NCES data reflect the state of the reporting unit and WebCASPAR data reflect the state of the main unit. In WebCASPAR, multiple reporting units are combined under the FICE code of the main unit and reporting units may be located in different states (or territories) from that of the main unit. NCES data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia may be more closely approximated in WebCASPAR by including "Unknown State" with the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia.
NCES published data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia is unsuppressed and therefore, may not match CASPAR data for the 50 United States plus the District of Columbia which is subject to suppression.
Data Suppression
In some years, data were suppressed by NCES if the number of faculty was sufficiently small. The years in which data were suppressed by NCES as well as the suppression method are indicated by an "X" in the following table:

1971 1972 1973 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986

Method A: Salary data were suppressed for less than four faculty at the lowest level of detail (by length of contract, gender, and academic rank). No reported totals (summed over academic rank) were made available by NCES for these years.

Method B: In general, salary data were suppressed if the number of faculty was less than three. If salary data is suppressed for only one line at the lowest level of detail (where each line represents a particular combination length of contract, gender, and rank) or for two lines and the sum of the number of faculty for the lines is less than three, then the corresponding gender and length of contract subtotals are also suppressed. If salary data for three or more lines at the lowest level of detail are suppressed, then the corresponding gender and length of contract subtotals are left intact.

In some years, salary data were suppressed at the lowest level of detail, but provided at a total level (total salary outlay summed over academic rank by length of contract and gender). For those years, adjustment records were created for each institution when the reported total differed from the computed total. These adjustment records contain the difference between the reported and computed totals. Data in the reported total could not be attributed to a specific academic rank or sex; therefore, the rank and/or sex were set to "Other/Unknown." In the other years when data were suppressed, reported totals were not available to create these adjustment records.
Data were suppressed by NCES if the number of faculty was sufficiently small. In general, salary data were suppressed if the number of faculty was less than three. If salary data is suppressed for only one line at the lowest level of detail (where each line represents a particular combination length of contract, gender, and rank) or for two lines and the sum of the number of faculty for the lines is less than three, then the corresponding gender and length of contract subtotals are also suppressed. If salary data for three or more lines at the lowest level of detail are suppressed, then the corresponding gender and length of contract subtotals are left intact.
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