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Data Source:   IPEDS Enrollment Survey
The Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) that is conducted by the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) which is conducted by the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Frank B. Morgan
Information Technology Specialist
Postsecondary Institutional Studies Program-PSD
National Center for Education Statistics

Source data and documentation for recent years are available at the NCES World Wide Web site:
This variable indicates the number of students enrolled in courses that are creditable toward a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award, or are part of a vocational or occupational program including any students enrolled in off-campus centers. Also included are high school students enrolled in postsecondary education courses creditable toward completion of a program.
Data are available for fall 1967 through fall 1998 and fall 2000 through fall 2005; NCES did not release data for fall 1999. From fall 1967 through fall 1985, the data were derived from HEGIS. From fall 1986 through fall 2005, the data were derived from IPEDS.
Data for 1966 are not included because the master tape at NCES is not usable.
Detailed data by race and ethnicity are available in even-numbered years from fall 1976-90, and annually thereafter.
Current As Of
Data are current as of August 2007.
The data for fall 1994 include all revisions posted by NCES on or before March 1998.
The data for fall 1993 include all revisions posted by NCES on or before February 6, 1996.
The data for fall 1992 include all revisions posted by NCES on or before June 5, 1995.
The 1986-89 IPEDS forms did not collect data by enrollment status for less-than-two-year institutions. The number of institutions included in the database that used the less-than-two-year survey forms is very small. In fall 1989, it represented less than 25,000 students.
Unknown undergraduates include degree- and non-degree-seeking undergraduates for whom the academic level is unknown. Degree-seeking undergraduates, who had been reported as "all other undergraduates" on form EF2 in fall 1986-92, and loaded as lower level undergraduates, are now loaded as other/unknown undergraduates.
For years prior to 1996, the NCES and NSF populations of institutions are the same.

Beginning with 1996 data, the NCES has changed the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which data are generally reported. Previous reports were concerned primarily with enrollment in postsecondary institutions that were accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education (ED). Current NCES publications subset the postsecondary institutional universe on the basis of the degree-granting status (information that is available directly from IPEDS) as well as eligibility for Title IV federal financial aid (based on a list of eligible institutions maintained by ED's Office of Postsecondary Education).

Please pay close attention to the subset of the postsecondary institutional universe for which NCES data are reported when comparing NCES data to WebCASPAR data.

The data collection instrument changed considerably over time, with different survey forms used for 1967, 1968, 1969-72, 1973-75, 1976-79, 1980-85, 1986-89, and 1990 through the present. A summary of the differences includes:

1967: Emphasis was on resident (i.e., main or branch campus) versus extension students. Undergraduate and graduate students included only resident students, not those considered extension students. First-professional and graduate students were not collected separately. Note that unknown graduate students include first-professional students.

1968: Emphasis was on students working toward a degree versus occupational programs. First-professional and graduate students were not collected separately. Note that unknown graduate students include first-professional students.

1969-72: Emphasis was on students in degree-credit programs versus non-degree-credit programs, broken down by resident versus extension students. First-professional students included only resident (i.e., main or branch campus) students, not those considered extension students. First-professional extension students are included in unknown graduate students.

1973-75 Resident and extension students were combined. For undergraduates only, emphasis was on degree-credit programs versus vocational-technical programs.

1976-79: Data for degree-seeking undergraduate students were collected by year of study.

1980-85: Same as 1976-79 except graduate students were broken down by first-time graduate students instead of first-year graduate students. Due to multiple survey form changes within this period, data on undergraduate year of study are not meaningful and have been loaded into unknown undergraduate.

1986-89: The IPEDS surveys are intended to encompass the entire universe of postsecondary institutions as defined by the Institutional Characteristics Survey. There were three versions of the survey form.

  • The most extensive form, EF1, was sent to all four-year-and-greater public and private institutions;
  • form EF2, which collects less detailed data, was sent to all two-to-four-year public and private institutions; and
  • form EF3 was sent to all less-than-two-year public institutions, as well as a sample of less-than-two-year private institutions.

Note that unknown undergraduates include non-degree-seeking undergraduates as well as degree-seeking undergraduates for whom the academic level is unknown.

1990-1995: Same as 1986-89 except form EF1 was sent to accredited four-year institutions as well as non-accredited four-year institutions offering a bachelor's, master's, doctoral, or first-professional degree. Form EF2 was sent to all remaining accredited institutions. Data for all non-accredited public four-year (except those offering a bachelor's, master's, doctoral, or first-professional degree), two-but-less-than-four-year, and less-than-two-year institutions as well as a sample of private, less-than-two-year schools were collected via the consolidated form, CN.

1996: Form EF1 was sent to 4-year, degree-granting institutions eligible for Title IV financial aid programs and 4-year institutions offering a bachelor's, master's, doctor's or first-professional degree that are not eligible for Title IV financial aid. Form EF2 was sent to 2-year, degree-granting, eligible postsecondary institutions. Data for all remaining Title IV-eligible institutions were collected via the consolidated form, CN, which collects only a few major items.

1997: Enrollment data were collected from postsecondary institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs in the United States and its outlying areas. Eligibility status of institutions was obtained from the Office of Postsecondary Education's March 1997 Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS) file. Postsecondary education is defined as the provision of a formal instructional program whose curriculum is designed primarily for students who are beyond the compulsory age for high school; this includes programs whose purpose is academic, vocational, and continuing professional education, and excludes avocational (leisure) and adult basic education programs. Form EF1 was sent to all 4-year institutions. Form EF2 was sent to 2-year postsecondary institutions that grant an associate's degree (degree-granting). Additional enrollment data were collected on the consolidated form, CN, which was sent to 2-year institutions that grant awards or certificates of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years (non-degree-granting) and less-than- 2-year institutions that offer awards or certificates of less than 2 years duration.

1998: Enrollment data were collected through two IPEDS surveys. The Fall Enrollment Survey (IPEDS-EF:98) was sent to all institutions that award associate's or higher level degrees or postbaccalaureate or higher level certificates and that have a Title IV Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Department of Education. Postsecondary institutions that award only certificates or diplomas requiring less than 4 years to complete reported enrollment as part of their IPEDS Consolidated Survey (IPEDSCN: 98).

2000-2005: Data were collected from postsecondary institutions in the United States and its outlying areas; a postsecondary institution is defined as an organization that is open to the public and has as its primary mission the provision of postsecondary education (formal instructional programs with a curriculum designed primarily for students who are beyond the compulsory age for high school, including academic, vocational, and continuing professional education programs and excluding institutions that offer only avocational, leisure, and adult basic education programs.) Participation in the IPEDS is a requirement for the institutions that participated in Title IV federal student financial aid programs such as Pell Grants or Stafford Loans; institutions that did not participate in Title IV programs are offered the opportunity to participate in the IPEDS data collection process. Institutions participating in Title IV programs are accredited by an agency or organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, have a program of over 300 clock hours or 8 credit hours, have been in business for at least 2 years, and have a signed Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education.

Quality Control
Data by state/region in CASPAR may not match data by state in NCES publications, because NCES data published by state reflects the state of the reporting unit, while CASPAR data by state reflects the state of the main unit. In CASPAR, multiple reporting units are combined under the FICE code of the main unit and reporting units may be located in different states (or territories) than that of the main unit.
These data have been checked and verified to correspond to data in the following NCES publication:
Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2005; Graduation Rates, 1999 & 2002 Cohorts; and Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year 2005
Digest of Education Statistics: 2006
Data for earlier years were checked and verified to correspond to data in similar NCES tables.
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