HRPP 201

Washington DC — March 2-3, 2009

COACH is pleased to announce an advanced course on VHA Human Research Protection Programs.

This HRPP 201 course is designed for a variety of administrators involved in the direct operation of HRPP programs. This includes but is not limited to HRPP, R&D and IRB administrators.

One representative per facility is invited to attend this meeting. Prerequisites are:

  • Prior training in either:
    • HRPP 101
    • IRB 101
    • or attendance at a PRIM&R meeting
  • And/or 2 years experience as an IRB/R&D administrator.

A total of 28 slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

ORD will pay travel and lodging expenses. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the course through 4:00 pm of Day Two. If needed, ORD will pay lodging for an additional night.

Day One (March 2nd) 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Day Two (March 3rd) 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Course Objectives:

  • Demonstrate an ability to interpret and apply regulations, guidance, and best practices in human subjects protection.
  • Analyze and triage events reported to an oversight committee during the conduct of a study.
  • Develop a template for IRB minutes that captures required determinations and discussion of controverted issues.
  • Design a performance quality plan to measure the effectiveness of the HRPP.
  • Develop a plan for monitoring compliance of investigators and study staff in conducting VA research.

For more information contact:

Erica Doruska
(715) 343-1761

Rene Sutton
(202) 461-1817

Friday, January 30th