Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix C Table of Contents: Federal Data Bases and Additional Information Sources
Table of Contents



Table C-1: System Characteristics of Federal Data Bases

Table C-2: Summary Table of Federal Databases


Bioremediation in the Field Search System (BFSS)
Cleanup Information Bulletin Board System (CLU-IN)
Defense Environmental Network Information Exchange (DENIX)
Defense RDT&E Online System (DROLS)
Energy Science and Technology Data Base
Environmental Technologies Remedial Actions Data Exchange (EnviroTRADE)
Global Network for Environmental Technology (GNET)
Hazardous Waste Superfund Collection Data Base (HWSFD)
National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Bibliographic Data Base
New Technology from DOE (NTD)
Prospective Technology (PROTECH) and the Technology Catalogue
Records of Decision System (RODS)
REOPT: Electronic Encyclopedia of Remedial Action Options
Research in Progress (RIP) Data Base
NRMRL Treatability Data Base 
Soil Transport and Fate Data Base 
Waste Management Information System


U.S. Army Hotline
Center for Environmental Research Information (CERI)
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
Government Printing Office (GPO)
National Center for Environmental Publications and Information
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
Office of Research and Development Electronic Bulletin Board System (ORD BBS)
Public Information Center (PIC)
Technology Transfer Publications

Table C-3: Summary of Federal Site Remediation Technology Programs and Initiatives


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