Monica O. Madina 

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Last Reviewed:  11/28/2008
Last Updated:  11/28/2008

Monica O. Madina 

Committee Liaison Officer, National Children’s Study Federal Advisory Committee
Assistant to the Office Manager/Contractor

National Children’s Study

Photo of Monica O. Madina

Ms. Madina is a contractor working with the National Children’s Study Program Office as Assistant to the Office Manager as well as the National Children’s Study Federal Advisory Committee (NCSAC) Liaison Officer. She coordinates conference room space and needed equipment for Study- affiliated meetings, and also assists with the coordination of local and national travel arrangements for Program Office staff. Additionally, Ms. Madina assists in administering the Study’s Contract Management System, an invoice tracking database. Her bilingual skills have been instrumental in interpreting and translating the Spanish version of the Study’s recruitment materials. Ms. Madina is providing additional support working with the Adjunct Studies Program by testing the application process. She has previous experience as a trilingual executive assistant and a diploma in translation and interpretation (English-Spanish), from Escuela Latinoamericana de Idiomas in Chile. In her Liaison Officer role, Ms. Madina handles the logistics involved in the planning of the NCSAC meetings.