Health professionals and educators play a unique role in poison prevention. School nurses, doctors, poison experts, and others all face poisoning situations on a regular basis. It’s important for this group to have access to up-to-date information and resources to be prepared for these different situations. That’s why we’ve created the Health Professionals Portal. Here, you’ll find resources and tools to help prevent poisonings.
Find Your Local Poison Center
The Poison Help Tools section has a large amount of resources health professionals can use to prevent poisonings and raise awareness.
The Poison Help brochure is a great tool to keep on hand to share with colleagues and patients. The brochure also has room for a series of inserts, so the material can be customized for specific audiences, including adults, parents, older adults, and other health professionals.
The Educational Calendar is a printable sheet that outlines health and safety awareness events throughout the year. Health professionals can use this tool to identify opportunities to highlight certain poisoning risks year-round.
The Seasonal Tip Sheets are great tools that provide poison prevention tips for every season, including the holidays. These sheets are easy to download and print to share and distribute.
Poison Prevention Programs
There is no “one-size-fits-all” way to reach audiences with poison prevention activities or messages. This section highlights some of the innovative strategies used by poison centers across the country to reach individuals with poison prevention information.
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