Look and Feel of the Research Administration Module to be Applied to the Research Administration Proposal Submission function March 18.
NSF is pleased to announce that the look and feel of the Proposal Submission function in FastLane's Research Administration Module will be changed on March 18 to match the look and feel of the rest of the Research Administration Module.
The new look and feel of the Proposal Submission function was made available to users on FastLane's demonstration site on October 18, 2005.
Users are encouraged to access the Demonstration Site to learn more about the function by accessing URL:
NSF would like to thank all who participated in the effort and welcomes your feedback as we continue to make enhancements.
If you have additional feedback, please contact the FastLane Help Desk at 1-800-673-6188.
( Item 1 of 2 - March 2006 )
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