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The purpose of the ITCA is to provide the member tribes with the means for action on matters that affect them collectively and individually, to promote tribal sovereignty and to strengthen tribal governments.

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The members of ITCA are the highest elected tribal officials: tribal chairpersons, presidents and governors. These representatives are in the best position to have a comprehensive view of the conditions and needs of the Indian communities they represent. As a group, the tribal leaders represent governments that have a shared historical experience. Consequently, the tribes have a common governmental status as well as similar relationships with federal and state governments. The work of ITCA staff and consultants is carried out under the direction and supervision of John R. Lewis, Executive Director and Alberta C. Tippeconnic, Assistant Director.

Desert Bald Eagle Documents

ITCA 2006-2007 Biennial Report

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

TWS Trainings:
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