;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; NOTE: this is the GLOBAL template configuration file for all CanQues reports ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Please, handle with caution !!!!!! ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; The DEFAULT template IS mandatory. All CanQues reports may ultimately default to its elements positions. [DEFAULT] HTML_Title=CanQues Results VBAR_Element_Positions=selections~report~notes~citation~variables~altformats LINE_Element_Positions=selections~report~notes~citation~variables~altformats TAB_Element_Positions=selections~report~comments~variables~notes~citation~altformats DATA_Element_Positions=selections~dict~report~variables~notes~citation~altformats [faststats] HTML_Title=SEER Fast Stats Results VBAR_Element_Positions=report~notes~altformats~citation LINE_Element_Positions=report~notes~altformats~citation TAB_Element_Positions=variables~report~comments~notes~altformats~citation DATA_Element_Positions=dict~report~notes~altformats~citation~variables ;; Test Template [global_def_positions_style] VBAR_Element_Positions=report~notes~citation~selections~variables~altformats LINE_Element_Positions=report~notes~citation~selections~variables~altformats TAB_Element_Positions=report~selections~variables~notes~citation~altformats DATA_Element_Positions=report~selections~dict~variables~notes~citation ;;;;;;; PROPERTIES DESCRIPTIONS: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; Element positions: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; 1. The possible (available) elements to use in the property are: ; - report - the actual report data (image, or table, or other) ; - comments - footnotes and comments associated with tables ; - notes - the notes associated ; - citation - citations associated ; - selections - the parameters with one value ; - variables - the parameters with multiple values ; - altformats - if the report can be view in different formats, the element will show links to display these formats. ; - dict - dictionary ; 2. Each element must be separated from the surrounding ones with a ~ (tilde) ; ;;;;;;;;;;; Style Sheet ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; There are three options for a style sheet: ; 1. A full URL, like: ; http://seer.cancer.gov/styles.css ; 2. A path relative to the site root (must start with a "/"), like: ; /CSS/custom_sheet.css ; 3. A URL relative to the current project directory (must NOT begin with a "/"), like: ; custom_style4.css (it will implicitly be translated into //custom_style4.css)