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Are you ready to help teach others how to prevent poisonings? Ready to teach them where to get treatment advice? You’ve come to the right place!

The Poison Help Communication Tools on this site are intended to be downloaded, printed and used in a variety of different ways to prevent poisonings.

For example, the Poison Help Brochure is filled with information on common poisoning risks, prevention tips, and the Poison Help service. In addition, there is a series of inserts to customize the brochure for specific audiences. These inserts can be used to provide helpful tips to adults, health professionals, parents, and older adults.

FAQs. A list of common poison-related questions. A list of facts about poisoning. This information will help you teach your community about poison risks and prevention. What you learn will help you to work with your regional poison centers.

The Facts about Poisonings and Poison Safety. A resource that corrects common misunderstandings about poison and poison prevention. Do you think household cleaners usually cause poisoning in the home? Think again. Do you think you’re more likely to be hurt in a car crash than to be poisoned? Don’t be so sure. Click here to find out the real truth about poisoning. Then share the facts with others!

Digital Ads. Videos of 4 common poisoning situations. These short videos are teaching tools. They are perfect for sharing with your school or community.

Health Professionals Portal. Tips and ideas for health educators, from school nurses to doctors to poison experts. We’ve mapped out events and places at which you can talk to others about poisoning. We’ve created seasonal tip sheets. These will inform you about poison risks that occur at different times of the year. You will be able to share this information with others.

Poison Help Partners. Reports of which organizations across the country are active with Poison Help. You can learn what they are doing to teach your community about poison prevention.

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Dealing with
household dangers

Poison Center Spotlight
Texas Poison Control Center

Cold Weather Tips for Winter

Winter 2009 Poison Control Program Newsletter