Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
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Sites where nonhalogenated VOCs may be found include burn pits, chemical manufacturing plants or disposal areas, contaminated marine sediments, disposal wells and leach fields, electroplating/metal finishing shops, firefighting training areas, hangars/aircraft maintenance areas, landfills and burial pits, leaking collection and system sanitary lines, leaking storage tanks, radioactive/mixed waste disposal areas, oxidation ponds/lagoons, paint stripping and spray booth areas, pesticide/herbicide mixing areas, solvent degreasing areas, surface impoundments, and vehicle maintenance areas. Potentially applicable remediation technologies are presented in Table 2-1. Typical nonhalogenated VOCs (excluding fuels, BTEX, and gas phase contaminants) encountered at many sites include the following:

1-butanol Cyclohexanone Methyl isobutyl ketone
4-Methyl-2-pentanone Ethanol n-Butyl alcohol
Acetone Ethyl acetate Styrene
Acrolein Ethyl ether Tetrahydrofuran
Acrylonitrile Isobutanol Vinyl acetate
Aminobenzene Methanol  
Carbon disulfide Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)  

*Please note that fuels, BTEX, and gas phase contaminants are located in section 2.7.

Click here, for further information on specific contaminants: Contaminant Specific Web Sites
Click here, for DOE's Preferred Alternatives Matrices (PAMs): PAMs

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