Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix C.15 National Technical Information Services (NTIS) Bibliographic Data Base
Table of Contents


Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA
Description of Services: The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Bibliographic Data Base is a self-supporting agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce and is the largest single source for public access to federally produced information. NTIS is the federal agency charged with collecting and distributing federal scientific, technical, and engineering information. The NTIS collection covers current technologies, business and management studies, foreign and domestic trade, environment and energy, health, social sciences, general statistics, and hundreds of other areas. When government agencies and their contractors forward reports and other items to NTIS, these items are entered into the NTIS computerized bibliographic data base and become part of the NTIS archive.
Data: The NTIS bibliographic data base contains data about federally generated machine-readable data files and software, U.S. government inventions available for licensing, reports on new technologies developed by federal agencies, federally generated translations, and reports prepared by non-U.S. government agencies. An increasing proportion of the data base consists of unpublished material originating outside the United States. Most NTIS records include an abstract.
Access: The NTIS data base is available to the public through a number of commercial vendors including:

CISTI (613-993-1210/in Canada)
DIALOG (800-334-2564)
ORBIT (800-456-7248, 703-442-0900/in Virginia)
STN International (800-848-6533)

Some of these systems also allow ordering printed copies of documents from the NTIS collection. NTIS also allows ordering of documents from the sales desk (800-553-6847).

The data base is also available on CD-ROMs from a number of vendors.

Hardware/Software: The hardware and software required to access NTIS online depend upon the individual system used, but generally include a computer, modem, and communications software for dial-in access and a computer and CD-ROM drive for a CD-ROM version.
Contact: National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161

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