Occupational Injury

In 2006, there were nearly 1.2 million nonfatal occupational injuries in the United States that resulted in at least 1 day absent from work. Of those, more than 34 percent of injuries occurred among females aged 14 and older. While males account for the majority of total injuries, the distribution of injuries by age differs between males and females. More than 36 percent of males with occupational injuries were aged 20–34 years, compared to 29.7 percent of females in the same age group. In comparison, nearly 16 percent of injuries among females occurred among women aged 55 years and older, while males of this age group accounted for 12.2 percent of injuries.

The distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries by sex varies by occupational sector. In 2006, females accounted for 66.7 percent of injuries occurring in management, professional, and related occupations, despite making up only 51.1 percent of the workforce in that sector. Similarly, females represented 56.5 percent of the service workforce, but accounted for 61.9 percent of injuries in that sector. Conversely, males were somewhat overrepresented in injuries to sales and office workers; males made up 36.9 percent of that workforce, but accounted for 40.9 percent of injuries in that sector. Injuries occurring among males and females in the farming, fishing, and forestry sector, as well as the construction, extraction, and maintenance sector were approximately proportionate to their workforce representation. (“Women in the Labor Force,” shows data on workforce representation by occupational sector and sex.)

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