Research Highlights

New genomics lab in Little Rock will move VA toward ‘personalized medicine’

June 19, 2007

 Steven Schichman, MD, PhD

Steven Schichman, MD, PhD, of the Little Rock VAMC, will direct VA’s first Pharmacogenomics Analysis Lab. (Photo by Jeffery Bowen)

When patients receive the anticlotting drug warfarin, commercially known as Coumadin, the dose has to be just right: Too little won’t prevent clots, and too much can cause severe bleeding.

Until recently, doctors would have to carefully monitor patients over several visits to fine-tune their dose. Now, with a small sample of a patient’s DNA—usually from a cheek swab or blood draw—doctors can run a genetic test and predict the proper dose from the outset.

"Patients still need to be monitored, but at least we can get close from the start," says Steven Schichman, MD, PhD, chief of hematopathology and molecular diagnostics at the Little Rock VA Medical Center. The warfarin test is an example of the work Schichman will be overseeing as head of VA’s first Pharmacogenomics Analysis Laboratory (PAL), funded with $825,000 from VA’s Office of Research and Development.

The new lab—an outgrowth of a molecular diagnostics lab Schichman has run since the 1990s—will also do tests for veterans who need irinotecan, or Camptosar, a colon-cancer drug. Certain patients need more of the drug, but too high a dose can block breathing and cause other serious side effects. “We’ll be testing for a certain enzyme involved in the metabolism of this drug,” explains Schichman. “If we can predict which patients are fast or slow metabolizers, we can adjust the dose and get it right the first time, so the drug is at its full therapeutic level but doesn’t have the toxicity of an overdose.”

Testing on behalf of individual VA patients—for warfarin, irinotecan and eventually many other drugs—is only part of what the PAL will do. But this in itself is an important step toward “personalized medicine,” says Schichman. “We’re looking at people’s genetic makeup and using that information to tailor therapy, to select the drug that’s best for them, and to select at least a starting dose that’s most appropriate.”

The PAL will also be a research lab for VA’s Cooperative Studies Program, which runs clinical trials involving up to thousands of patients at multiple sites. Researchers will collect DNA samples from study volunteers—along with their clinical information—and the PAL will scan the genetic material to see if certain variations are associated with particular medical conditions.

Today’s methods allow for fast, efficient DNA scanning

The scanning is done through a superefficient method called “high throughput genotyping.” The process relies on commercially available chips encoded with up to half a million or so common genetic variations. Scientists now have a complete picture of humans’ genetic structure, thanks to the much—publicized Human Genome Project and other gene-mapping efforts.

‘We’re looking at people’s genetic makeup and using that information to tailor therapy.’

By scanning huge batches of DNA for the variations encoded on the chips, researchers have already linked some of these variations—known as single—nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs for short—to diabetes, breast cancer and other diseases. The concept has been around a while, but the mindblowing speed and relative ease of the new technology allows for the statistical power researchers need to show meaningful links between genetic variations and diseases.

Linking genetic variations to disease is only part of the puzzle

Schichman acknowledges that linking a SNP to a particular health condition is one thing, but understanding how exactly the risk plays out is quite another. Genetic variations may determine our health to a large extent, but only through an amazingly complex process that involves multiple genes and any number of environmental factors.

"Once the associations are pinpointed, the science needs to be done to show mechanistically how those associations may lead to, for example, higher susceptibility to a certain cancer," says Schichman. His lab team will work with molecular epidemiologists at the Little Rock VA and other sites to plan research and analyze the data that’s collected.

Even though there’s much work yet to be done, Schichman compares the completion of the human genome and the new technology it has spawned to a burst of light that is enabling exponential progress. "It’s really very exciting. I started in this field a long time ago, and we were in the dark about so many things. Now, there’s so much more that we can do."