Research Highlights

A new approach to detecting mild brain injuries

September 8, 2008

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)—even when it is relatively mild—can have all the subtlety of a wrecking ball in terms of how it affects the lives of veterans and their families. But when it comes to diagnosis, mild TBI is subtle—to the point where it often can’t be detected through conventional brain scans.

sea cucumber

Eavesdropping on neurons —Mingxiong Huang, PhD (left), and Roland Lee, MD, study an image from a MEG scan of the brain. The technology captures electromagnetic signals from brain cells and may be able to show subtle abnormalities missed by other diagnostic methods. (Photo by Kevin Walsh)

Mingxiong Huang, PhD, and Roland Lee, MD, of VA and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), are among several VA scientists searching for a better way. With collaborators at UCSD and the Marines' Camp Pendleton, Huang and Lee are exploring whether newer brain scanning methods can detect injuries missed through ordinary MRI or CT scans. Their study will involve up to 150 veterans and military personnel.

One of the technologies being used is MEG, short for magnetoencephalography. A MEG scanner resembles a giant salon hair dryer. It records electromagnetic signals given off by brain cells as they "talk" with each other. The biggest plus of MEG relative to other scanning technologies is its speed: It captures bursts of neuronal cross-talk that last only a few milliseconds. (Think of the time it takes between seeing a red light and stepping on the brake pedal.) Other imaging methods that show brain activity, such as functional MRI or PET scans, have their own advantages but are far slower. Also, data from MEG scans can be overlaid on a map of the brain, and abnormalities—even subtle ones—can be visualized as patches of color, indicating precisely which areas of the brain may be damaged.

According to Huang, injured brains generate pathological low-frequency brain waves—like those seen in normal patients during deep, dreamless sleep. He believes the reason may be that damaged neurons become like frayed wires, unable to conduct impulses efficiently. MEG’s ability to noninvasively measure and "localize" these abnormalities, he says, may be critical in diagnosing brain injuries.

The costar in Huang and Lee’s vision is DTI, or diffusion tensor imaging. A relatively new form of MRI, this method records how water molecules move, or diffuse, through the nerve fibers that make up the brain’s white matter. These fibers link different regions of the brain, like the cables connecting computers on a network. Problems in the white matter—for example, nerve fibers that are not bundled together coherently or that have lost their fatty "myelin" coating—show up in DTI scans but not in regular MRI scans.

Huang says he hopes to eventually incorporate a third imaging technique, chemical shift imaging (CSI), also called MR spectroscopy imaging. This method reveals the distribution of certain chemicals in the brain—another potential marker for subtle brain injury.

"The measurements of neuronal electromagnetic signals using MEG, the diffusion property of the white matter fiber tracts using DTI, and metabolic information using CSI should provide a comprehensive picture of TBI," says Huang. "All of these imaging modalities are non-invasive and can be performed multiple times" over a long-term study. He notes that in addition to aiding diagnosis, they may be helpful in evaluating the effects of new TBI medications or other treatments.

This article originally appeared in the September 2008 issue of VA Research Currents.