Press Release

VA Hailed as a Model for Health Care Reform

January 20, 2006

In the January 20, 2006 issue of The Washington Post, reported on survey results that indicate a high level of satisfaction among veterans being treated at VA facilities. The telephone survey, conducted in October, 2005, found inpatient care received a rating of 83 on a 100-point scale, while outpatient care received a rating of 80. This is compared to ratings of 73 and 75 respectively for private care. These findings mark the sixth straight year that the VA health care system has outranked the private sector for customer satisfaction.

According to VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, the high rates can be attributed to changes in the system, such as the implementation of electronic records to reduce the risk of error.

The survey involved over 200 veterans who received care at one of the VA's 154 hospitals or 875 clinics. Known as the American Customer Satisfaction Index, the survey has been conducted since 1994, by the National Quality Research Center at the University of Michigan business school, and two consultants, the CFI Group and the Federal Consulting Group.

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