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U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute

Previous Version: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1999

This is a past version of the SEER Cancer Statistics Review that includes incidence, mortality, and survival statistics from 1973 through 1999. If you would like to view the most recent version of the CSR, please visit the CSR Home Page.

Sections of the CSR, 1973-1999 (PDF Files)
 1. Overview
 2. All Sites
 3. Brain and Other Nervous
 4. Breast
 5. Cervix Uteri
 6. Colon and Rectum
 7. Corpus Uteri
 8. Esophagus
 9. Hodgkin Lymphoma
10. Kaposi's Sarcoma
11. Kidney and Renal Pelvis
12. Larynx
13. Leukemia
14. Liver and Bile Duct
15. Lung and Bronchus
16. Melanoma of the Skin
17. Multiple Myeloma
18. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
19. Oral Cavity and Pharynx
20. Ovary
21. Pancreas
22. Prostate
23. Stomach
24. Testis
25. Thyroid
26. Urinary Bladder
27. Childhood Cancer
28. Childhood Cancer by the ICCC
29. Cancer Prevalence - new for this year
A.  Appendix
B.  Tables by Race/Ethnicity, 1992-99
     (extracted from chapters 2-9,11-26)

Suggested Citation
Dedication to Dr. Peter Isacson

Revision History

>Date Revision Affected Pages

Table I-3: The Percent Change and EAPC columns have been removed for Incidence in the table.

  • The incidence percent change and EAPC for 1950-1999 were based on rates age-adjusted using the 1970 standard million.
  • The mortality percent change and EAPC for 1950-1999 were based on rates age-adjusted using the 2000 standard million.
Table I-3: page 19 of the Overview