
This section of the Web site highlights new and
interesting data and statistics about poison prevention.
- Chart
showing completed toll-free calls to poison centers by year and month.
National Survey on Drug Use & Health is the primary source of
information on the prevalence, patterns, and consequences of alcohol,
tobacco, and illegal drug use and abuse in the general U.S. civilian
non institutionalized population, age 12 and older.
- Misuse
of Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medications among
Persons Aged 12 to 25
- CDC’s
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control administers a Web-based
Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System, WISQARS (pronounced
"whiskers,”). WISQARS Fatal is an interactive database
system that provides injury-related mortality data useful for research
and for making informed public health decisions. WISQARS offers
three types of reports: mortality reports, leading causes
of death reports, and years of potential life lost reports
December 14, 2007: Increases in Age-Group-Specific Mortality–
United States, 1999-2004
13, 2007: New CDC Study Finds 5.5 Percent Increase in
Injury Mortality from 1999 to 2004
- The 2006 Annual Report of the American Association
of Poison Control Centers' National Poison Data System shows that over
4 million calls were made to the nation's 61 poison centers. The substance
most frequently involved in all human exposures were analgesics (pain
relievers). The most common exposures in children less than age 6 were
cosmetics/personal care products. Access
the report.

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