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Home > News Room > Return of the Rainbow Expedition
01 Mar 2006

Led by modern day adventurer, Kingsley Holgate and his family team, traveling by Arab dhow, Yamaha powered inflatables and a convoy of Land Rovers from Durban to the Somali Border and back. The USAID supported African Rainbow Expedition with its successful ONE NET ONE LIFE campaign to save lives through malaria prevention has finally reached Omuhipiti, better known as Ilha de Mozambique, the one time Portuguese capital of Mozambique now a colorful, “lost in time” world heritage site.

Kingsley Holgate at the helm of the dhow "Spirit of Adventure"
Photo by: Jay Knott


By Motorola HF Radio, we pick up the story of this epic year long odyssey…

We’re being beaten by the monsoon rains, heat and humidity, the creaking wooden deck too hot to stand on. Erratic rain squalls tear the sails and then after the rain, “becalmed” as we scoop bucketfuls of fresh rainwater from the stretched tarpaulins into our drinking containers. Traveling south on the Kas Kazi trade wind from the Somali Border - - it’s a race against time, before the big rains come and the winds change. Our objective has always been to reach the ancient southern gateway of the East African dhow trade. And here we are, just five kilometers from our destination. A flotilla of over 30 fishing dhows sail out of from the Island to meet us, the Port Captain, dressed in white, waves us forward. Abdul Mahdi, he’s sailed with us from Mafia Island, blows furiously on the conch shell, it calls up the wind, the Swahili crew chant as we pull on the ropes, the massive lateen rigged sail, pregnant with the Kas Kazi trade wind, proudly propels the Spirit Of Adventure dhow towards the stone fort of São Sebastião, jutting out into the Sea of Zinj, it’s high walls and ancient canons dominating the northern tip of this tiny historic island.

On the beach, traditional dancers swing and sway to the drumbeat, the administrator, mayor and elders are there to meet us. We drop anchor and load bales of mosquito nets onto the rubber ducks, pregnant mums and babies wait under the shade trees to receive them. Malaria is rife here. Arab dhows such as ours once carried thousands of slaves from here and raped the coast of ivory, rhino horn, cowrie shells and mangrove poles, we bring life saving mosquito nets for mums and babies. The Land Rover Team are here to meet us, we hug and shake hands, I can’t believe we’ve made it. Endorsements are added to the Scroll of Peace & Goodwill in support of malaria prevention that we have been carrying from Durban to the Somali Border and now all the way back south.

Ilha de Mozambique marks the end of our Spirit of Adventure dhow journey, but right now it’s time for a short break as the summer monsoon rains hit Northern Mozambique.

The next challenge is a 600 km Zambezi odyssey by river craft and USAID branded Land Rover back up team from Boroma Mission to the sea, distributing a further 5000 nets to remote villages that have no regular health services, in an area hard hit by malaria. This part of the African Rainbow Expedition will coincide with Africa Malaria Day, then it’s across the Save and Limpopo Rivers to return to Durban a year after having set off in June 2005. Through your USAID ONE NET ONE LIFE campaign you have saved thousands of lives, it would not have been possible without your support. We’ll keep you posted.



Photo Gallery

The images shown here were mainly taken by Ross Holgate from the African Rainbow Expedition Team and by USAID employees in the course of their work. You can read a short description by holding the cursor above the photograph. Click the image to see a larger version.

Photo of three men and a woman in an office setting
Initial meeting with the Minister of Health and USAID officials

School kids showing malaria pamphlets at Bobole launch
Photo of a woman and kids looking at mosquito net
Happy family at Bobole launch
Photo of a man holding a microphone interviewing a woman
Sr. Baptista, from the Ministry of Health conducting an interview

Calling the wind

Captain Simba steering the Amina
Photo of several men looking at the scroll of goodwill and peace
Kingsley Holgate and crew

A bridge somewhere in Zambezia
Photo of a jeep crossing a river on inflatable pontoon
Crossing the Rovuma River

The launching in Bobole
Photo of a group of people watching a demonstration on how to use mosquito nets
Demonstrating how to use a bed net in Pemba

Early breakfast in the bush
Photo of a convoy of trucks coming off a ferry that crosses the Zambeze river
Crossing the Zambeze River
Photo of a heavy loaded jeep crossing a waterway
Fording - Zambezia Province
Photo of a man perched on an arab dhow looking at a group of people in the distance
Returning home with mosquito nets in Pemba
Photo of woman showing how to use a mosquito net
Showing how to use a mosquito net
Photo of two men pulling an inflatable pontoon with a jeep on top
It's not always easy

Kingsley Holgate

Launching ceremony in Durban
Photo of a group of women and children listening to anti malaria campaign
Malaria education gathering

Kids at the Bobole launch
Photo of a group of men gathered around a table with a large book on top
Holgate, the scroll and cheerful group
Photo of a truck convoy stopped at a bridge
The expedition

Mom and baby under a mosquito net
Photo of women and children listening to malaria eucational talk
Mothers and their children in Gaza Province
Photo of some women and babies holding mosquito nets and malaria pamphlets
Happy moms with bednets and malaria leaflets in Pemba
Photo of a woman with a baby on her back pointing
They are giving mosquito nets there
Photo of a man perched on an arab dhow looking down at a cheerful crowd of women waving mosquito nets
Mosquito net distribution at the Spirit of Adventure
Photo of of people walking on the beach early in the morning carrying mosquito nets
Loading nets onto dhow
Photo of a group of people posing around the village chief
Expedition team with village leaders, mom and babies
Photo of a man signing a report on placed on top of a vehicle bonnet
Signing the malaria reports
Photo of a large crwd looking at an arab dhow moored at a beach at low tide
Gathering at the Amina for bed net distribution
Photo of a woman dressed in colorful robes carrying a bay on her side
Mother and child with net in Pemba
Photo of two women and a man stamping a report on top of a vehicle's bonnet
Holgate and USAID officials at Bobole launch
Photo of a group of men at the grave site of Mary Livingstone
Visiting Mary Livingstone grave in Chupanga (Zambezia)
Photo of a group of men getting ready for a bike race
Men's bike race
Photo of a woman with a white painted face holding a baby
Mother and child in Pemba
Photo of woman holding a child
Happy moms and babies with nets
Photo of a man smiling from a jeep window
Sr. Baptista from MOH in a branded jeep
Photo of a group of women and kids around a waterpump
Cheerful crowd welcomes the expedition team
Photo of many hands holding a boat mast
Everyone counts

Photo of a large group of women and children listening to malaria talks
Moms and babies at a malaria educational talk
Photo of a woman with a child on his back holding a bike
Mother and child with a bike and net
Photo of women in a tight line
Women in line to receive mosquito nets